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Hello Justin! I had a lot of fun with your game! The graphics are very consistent and look nice overall, but I feel that they could have benefitted from more of your own personal style (in their current state they are relatively generic, almost as if they were drawn in MS Paint). The movement speed is pretty good, but it lacks a velocity system, so at least for me personally, the movement is a bit too stiff for my liking. The music is great, no critiques there, but as others have said, some more sound effects could add a lot to the overall experience. I love the fact that you included mods, as these add a lot to the gameplay experience, and the different levels are a nice touch as well. Your game would benefit immensely from a minimap that shows the layout you have discovered over several playthroughs, as right now it is a bit of a guessing game. My biggest piece of advice is to inject a bit more personal style and creativity into the art and gameplay elements, as this is what will set your game apart from the status quo. Overall, I had a fun time with this game, but due to the lack of your own personal style and imagination, it is relatively middle-of-the-road for me at the moment. It is a great effort for a one-week jam, and your first game jam no less, so I think you should feel proud of your great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you had fun with my game! I'll be sure to fix some of the problems you had with the game as I continue to work on it. The minimap that uncovers itself as you progress seems like a great idea!


Yeah, I'm honestly really excited to see where this game goes in the future because it is honestly one of the most fun ones I have played in this jam! I actually think it would work super well if it were styled kind of like those stickman fight animations, such as this: (although that would probably be very difficult lol). I also feel like enemies could really help with the replayability (or perhaps procedural generation), as right now it's kind of like you find the way through each level, and then you're done. Overall, man, really great work and I'm excited to see what you make in the future!