To put the lists on each category, I created three JSON files attached to the project. The three JSON files are the original list of the genre, theme, and limitation. You can take a look at them in the Files folder when you downloaded the tool. If you read the JSON file, there is an array that shows the data. The elements of the array represent as a suggestion. If I'm correct, there are 56 elements in the genre section, 128 elements in the theme section, and 32 elements in the limitation section.
However, I'm not sure if Construct can modify the JSON files attached to the project. Therefore, I use a Local Storage plugin in order to save the updated array. If you had just loaded the tool for the first time, then the program will immediately read the JSON files and place them in the array. And from the array, it will copy into the local storage, just in case if you left immediately. If you modify the array from the "Suggest a Theme" or "Suggest a Limitation", then the Local Storage will be updated to the latest array.