Simple and quick game. Easy to implement and understand.
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A very simple game. Too much Godot to be destroyed, quite an interesting premise. I'm not sure if I can beat the game though. If I wish you can improve this thing, try not to use the Godot as a visual. Not saying it's bad, but rather to make it more appealing instead of stale and boring. Good job submitting it. Hope you get better and faster when making a game.
The game is fun and quick. I like the pixel art graphics and the contrast is distinguishable. I enjoy the sound effects and how the difficulty gets harder when the game almost ends. If I wish for something to improve, that is I want the game to not immediately jump into the game directly and have a brief moment for the player to get ready. Great work creating the game.
Good story, very minimalist. And don't be afraid to swear. Swearing is good, especially if this is the current situation. The only thing I can say is that the sound effects when the player moves left and right is a bit pain. The screeches kinda a bit too much, honestly. Could've had more sound effects to make it more immersive and alive, especially during the cutscenes. But overall, good entry.
Really interesting location, the player is one of the army inside a battlefield. Although the concept is interesting, the execution is underwhelming, in my opinion. Visually, it looks simple and too basic, to be called as a battlefield. The fog did make it feel a bit more atmospheric. But the battlefield could've been a bit better if there were some decorations and destruction, holes and maybe even trenches. That would make the location look more of a battlefield. For me, the current location visually feels like a two sides are trading people. Still, good job on submitting this game.
The game is good, and I believe you are inspired by Miziziziz's Endoparasitic. The way the gory art style when humans are dying and the way the controls feel (if it is better) feels quite similar. I like the level, but I wish you can make the barriers to be a bit more precise. For example, from your second and third examples, those small boxes are one giant wall, but it feels like the player can squeeze through that gap. But the realization hits and apparently it isn't.
I like the monochrome aesthetics, but the sudden red blood gives it away. Maybe you can choose a different color that isn't red, but close to it. Then, it will look a lot better. Overall, good submission. Looking forward on the future.
The world is colorful. The world gives me Alice in Wonderland vibes. It's all good, but the only thing I can't explain is the ginger bread house. For some reason, I feel something is off about that building. Maybe it's because it has a different outline or something like that. But besides that, everything looks great.
Saya suka game yang kamu buat; tidak terlalu rumit dan gampang untuk kontrol. Saya suka dimana kamu bisa mengubah kualitas visualnya. Saya suka efek suara saat pemainnya terluka, mati, lompat, dan menembak. Sayangnya, tidak ada background music di permainan ini. Background music tidak harus, tapi penting agar permainannya tidak terlihat kosong atau membosankan.
Dalam desain level, ada sebagian tempat yang terasa kosong dan tidak ada isi apa pun, seperti simulasi jalan gitu. Selain itu, setelah kita berprogress, kadang pemain bisa bingung harus pergi ke mana, terutama setelah mendapat kualitas pixel mirip game boy (yang warna hijau monochrom). Saya tidak tahu apakah ini sengaja atau tidak, tetapi jika mati, kualitas pixelnya tidak berubah saat pertama kali mendapat chekpoin.
Tetapi game ini sudah cukup bagus. Hebat bisa bikin game menggunakan TIC-80 dalam satu bulan. Terus belajar dan bikin game. Good job.
Menurut saya, game ini bisa bagus. Kontennya tidak terlalu banyak, tapi sudah lumayan. Musiknya cukup bagus, tapi bisa diperpanjang kalau bisa. Cuman ada beberapa masalah di game ini.
Pertama, senjatanya. Terutama, senjata pedang. Agak susah untuk menentukan jarak yang cukup agar tidak terluka sambil melukai musuh. Untungnya ada pilihan untuk ganti senjata jadi senjata pistol, jadi itu bagus.
Kedua, efek suaranya terlalu keras. Terlalu berisik sehingga saya harus menurunkan volume di komputer. Kalau bisa, jangan terlalu keras. Turun sedikit, paling jadi -5 sampai -10 dB.
Ketiga, jika saya tidak gerak abis musuh nya nyerbu ke saya, saya tidak akan terluka. Ini bekerja untuk musuh biasa dan bos.
Keempat, kalau ada sempat waktu, jangan menggunakan text sebagai tombol. Bikin aja tombol dan klik klik jadi. Tambahin sedikit animasi dan akan terlihat dinamik saat di menu.
Dan yang terakhir, transisi nya kelamaan. Saya tahu transisi bisa bikin game bagus, tapi bisa juga bikin menyebalkan. Satu detik atau kurang sudah cukup buat transisi.
Tapi udah lumayan sih permainannya. Saran saya jika waktu untuk bikinnya satu bulan, bikin dalam satu bulan. Jangan langsung ceplok jadi, soalnya bisa lebih bagus.
The game is quite good. It's scary and horrifying, but not horrifying enough. I can tell you implement some horror elements in there, such as the flickering lights, the sound effects, the monsters, and jumpscares. The jumpscares... isn't as scary as what I thought. I was hoping it would be as scary as when you were making the Carving Pumpkin game you made, but this is quite different.
The music is alright, although I feel like it's in a major scale. Maybe a diminished or a minor scale would be better to give out a better atmosphere. And for the theme, it's kinda odd. It's not voxel enough, but rather rectangle-ish.
However, I think you did a great job of the game. Since this is your second game, good job on submitting the game in 20 seconds before the deadline. Looking forward for whatever games you'll make in the future.
Thanks for playing. All of your suggestions were implemented into the game, although I may have set the coyote jump to be only 0.1 seconds, so I should probably make it longer.
As for the issue, no, that is intentional. The only problem is that I forgot to put up a sign on how to do that. Still, thanks for playing it.
Also, hey. That's my Halloween costume :D
Menurut saya, game ini seru dan bagus. Saya suka sound efek pada game nya, lagu yang kamu pilih cukup puas, dan sepertinya game ini fokus pada segi mobile game. Kesulitan game nya memang sulit, tapi leaderboard yang dibuat bikin pemainnya ingin terus main. Saya suka transisinya, hanya bisa harap kalau bisa diskip. Menurut saya, kamu bisa export gamenya jadi apk dan coba jualin di Google Play atau App Store dan bakal sebagian akan mainin. Yang hanya saya tidak suka adalah login nya harus memakai username dan password. Seperti harus masuk kredential penting ya.
Tapi di sisi game, menurut saya game nya cukup bagus. Sebagai game mobile, kayaknya bisa sukses, cuman perlu cari cara untuk tambahin konten agar ngga bosan kalau main terus. Good job.
Gamenya mantap. Saya tahu kamu bukan yang bikin pixel art nya di dalam game tersebut karena itu milik Kenney, tapi pilihanmu lumayan bagus untuk game ini. Lagunya agak terlalu keras, jadi kalau bisa kecilin sedikit. Saya suka ide untuk kasih nilai pada sisi kanan agar permainannya tidak seperti hanya menuju tujuan, tetapi kayaknya kegedean. Saran saya lebih baik mencari font yang terlihat pixel art dan pakai font tersebut untuk text nya, serta kecilin agar ngga terlalu menonjol.
Kalau menggunakan Construct 3, sepertinya ada limitasi sampai berapa jauh kamu bisa bikin game nya kalau tidak subskripsi. Saran saya adalah kamu belajar game engine lain yang gratis. Unity, Unreal, Godot, GDevelop, Love, Pygame, dan lain-lain. Terus belajar dan jangan menyerah. Good job.
Simple concept game. The player is slippery on the edge, so that's one thing annoying. I like the sound effects you put to the character. The platformer is quite solid as I can sense you add jump buffer and coyote time in it. I didn't beat your time, but I will soon. It's quite a solid game. I wish you could make the puzzle platformer game, but this is good enough. Good job.
This game feels solid, but some were implemented wrong. The controls were janky when using the WASD. When the player wants to go down or up, the player can't go left or right which is annoying and strict. The music doesn't loop around if you play the game longer, which will feel the game empty and quiet. The tutorials feels a bit too much since it feels like we were given how to play out of nowhere. Player controls is a bit too slippery and even the player can be faster than the bullet, which is something we don't want to happen.
However, I do feel like the game has done some great stuff. Camera shake when shooting feels alive and dynamic. Sound effects feels perfect and the enemies spawning feels great. Good job submitting it.
...holy shit why didn't I think of that!
Anyway, thanks for the comment. Although, I'm not fully happy with the game I worked on. There could've been things that improve, such as more sound effects, more music, and better mechanic. This was my first time working on an RPG game and programming it all alone for a one week game jam was a mess. I'll find a way to make a new RPG game, but simpler and easier battle system.
Thanks for your feedback. Action time based is a very old battle mechanic as it was patented by Square Enix (really) for Final Fantasy 4 until Final Fantasy 9. Thankfully, it's no longer patented in 2014. At first, I was thinking of making the game to be just turn based system, like the usual. However, I thought that action time based would be fun to try on since there's very little games I've played use that mechanic. And yes, more sound effects would be good. However, I didn't have time to work on it. I had only less than 24 hours to add the sound effects and music to the game.
Also, ignore the bug. I have zero intention to fix it as I'm too tired to find how it happened.
Simple, easy to play, and very minimalistic. I love the choice of the music and the sound effects. They just hit the spot. I like the gameplay and how easy it is to play it. The controls are easy and the only difficult part is how the formula is developed. But I love the challenge to earn 1000 gold in under 10 turns. It's possible and really easy to do.
Overall, great job submitting this game.