Granny's Addiction has captured a concept that I feel really is underused these days. Something that I feel the Developers failed to build upon was that enjoyable experience that this game had the potential for. The concept here is that you play the level, you collect the cat near the end of a level using "E" and then you bring it back to the start, "Granny's House". Like I said, this is why it has true potential to be something amazing! But it fails due to the level design and collision issues. It's also missing a level completion record that I feel really should be included in this game to make it stand out more. It just doesn't feel rewarding to complete a level.
I really admire what Blookane and EdenSpijker have created here. I just wish they had developed it a little further in the right direction. It seems to me that there was too much focus on presentation and not enough focus on gameplay. Overall, a semi-great experience that could've definitely benefited from what I have mentioned above ^^
Great work! :D