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A member registered Oct 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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yo your game doesnt start

hey, fixed some of the thing you said can you try it again 

Thank you!

great suggestion 

and the tutorial level was working it featured cool animations and a dialog system but unfortunatly when building it in unity we forgot to add that scene dumb mistake and we found out after submission time  so we couldnt change it if you want i can send you the game with the tutorial level

but yeah a big mistake because most of the time went in to the tutorial level dumb mistake bc we're still noobs.

Fun game!  i really liked the art  but some music would be a great addition

and for some reason the file's timestamp was at 19 february

but overal nice game.

Thanks for the feedback btw!

(1 edit)

yeah  when we we're compiling it we forgot to add the tutorial scene :( it featured some animatons for keybinds so you could know what buttons to press and  a dialog system for a cat so he could explain how to catch him and how to do wall jump so its very sad 

thanks! And a great tip.


Good feedback but the sticking was on purpose because in later levels the sticking is used as a wall jump mechanic

Great feedback! i completely agree with you just like blookane already said .

Im definitly lookin forward to further develop this game.

(1 edit) here is another one

I liked the game, the visuals and music were great but the movement  was a bit annoying

Great game i really liked the concept but it would be nice if there was a volume slider but overal great game!

Great game i realy like the visuals and the game feels very polished but the background was a bit distracting and some sound wouldd be a great feature but overal a great game!

(1 edit)


We wanted to implement a cat counter but we could'nt finish it in time and we wanted to add level completion/unlock feature but we did'nt have time for that too and we first had a tutorial level that explained how to play the game (including wall jumps) with nice animations but while compiling we forgot to add that scene so thats why the tutorial level does'nt work

Thank you! Great feedback the wall jump mechanic did'nt turn out the way we wanted it to be but we couldn't get it much better because we're still noobs.