What controllers are you using? It could be that the start button is bound differently.
digital USB game pads.
There's no specific start , pause or whatover. Every button is generic and let the app to map or assume its existence.
This model for instance: https://www.tiendatec.es/ocio-y-tiempo-libre/videojuegos/mandos/617-zone-evil-ze...
Wow, that's an amazing price. Yeah, I don't know how a custom mapping would correspond, I used InControl which automatically maps common controllers based on the operating system. Reading the documentation on InControl, it sounds like it might be an issue particularly with the start button. I've just set it up so that it will accept any input to spawn the character, given that you could get through the intro screen, that should work (at least for the adding of a new player, I've no idea how the rest of the bindings will correspond). Thanks for all the time you've spent, it's been super helpful and I've learnt a fair bit.