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Hey Ramza! Sorry to bug you again, but I have another problem.  Got it to show up in game without crashing (new game was the trick!), got ingredients to show up in the crafting window (yay!), but when I actually craft something it crashes.  Is there a note tag required to make a successful item?  I am not seeing one in the tutorial.

(1 edit)

Hey there. 

I'd need to see the error message/stack to know what's causing the crash. Generally if it gets that far, the only way I'd think it would crash is if the item you set the recipe to give you doesn't exist at all, or maybe a failure item. It could also be that your failure % chance formula is returning something weird, so it can't do the math to see if you succeeded or not, and crashes because of that.

Double check your recipe to make sure that it has a valid result item type and id. and disable the failure chance plugin parameter to see if that's causing it. If it works then, you can look at your success rate formula in the plugin params as well. 

Note that if you turned off crafting exp, the default formula used the current crafting level in it, so if you left the default formula that's probably where your crash is coming from.


If you happen to be using the very latest version of the plugin (at least as of the time of your posting this), the issue could've also been that the success rate text was trying to change color using a function that no longer exists in RMMZ. I corrected that in an update I just uploaded a short while ago, so give that a try too.