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This was lovely. The friction to build up heat is a pretty hot mechanic, I would have loved to make something along those lines. I liked the movement and feel of the character, especially when doing that sweet H-J-H combo.

Couple of ideas that crossed my mind while playing: If there are more levels, it would be nice to have a timed mode or time-based bonuses. That way players will try to build up the charges on the move so that they can execute the combo jumps later on, rather than stopping to slowly slide around and fill up the charge bar to max each time. The fire could be an instant pick-up - or maybe it spreads across a region of the level, so that players can get heated up while still running towards the grill. Keeps the pace going. It occurred to me that wall jumps would go very well with the friction mechanic - slide on a wall, use the friction to build charge and press H to jump to the opposite wall, and repeat.

That said, it’s pretty sweet as it is, missing only a bit of environment art and sound. Great work!

Thank you. Funny enough, wall jumping and timed challenges were things I thought about while I was making this, just didn't really know how to fully implement it with what I had. That being said, I do intend to work more on the game and those will probably be included as mechanics once I do.