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Hate to harp but yet again the age registered wrong and i got my digimon to be to old and it died so now have to start all over again. Every time i have more than 2 digimon going at once one of them will glitch and show the wrong age or digivolve to early becasue the stats are set wrong, and that messes up either the digimon or it attack stats. Dude i know this is hard and all i am still a big fan but for real with this crap. I have never just said f this game im not playing but tn was that limit. If the stuff gets fixed I'll play again till then im done. Just for context had a digimon at ultimate about to go to mega at the NEXT LEVEL, and ohh go figure the age showed wrong on it so i gave to 2 to many stat boost items and it died. Wouldnt be a big deal if this was the first or even the 8th but EVERY TIME something happens. I'm just done