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A member registered Apr 01, 2021

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Also Im super pumped about the olympus 12. Please give more rookies for them in the bird and dark ones. Doing great only fanbeemon is messing up on mine.

Hey bud. Fanbeemon won't digivolve. I hit level 15 and it did nothing. Please patch this soon

So Yet again your guide lied. This is the 5th time I've posted something about that man. Got to start all over again and I'm sick of it . Seadramon over 5000 dark nothing happens. Got a Dragomon wanted waruseadramon. Cool awesome

Hate to harp but yet again the age registered wrong and i got my digimon to be to old and it died so now have to start all over again. Every time i have more than 2 digimon going at once one of them will glitch and show the wrong age or digivolve to early becasue the stats are set wrong, and that messes up either the digimon or it attack stats. Dude i know this is hard and all i am still a big fan but for real with this crap. I have never just said f this game im not playing but tn was that limit. If the stuff gets fixed I'll play again till then im done. Just for context had a digimon at ultimate about to go to mega at the NEXT LEVEL, and ohh go figure the age showed wrong on it so i gave to 2 to many stat boost items and it died. Wouldnt be a big deal if this was the first or even the 8th but EVERY TIME something happens. I'm just done

Also digimon can have a pop sign over their heads for up to 35 seconds. A bit much no

So why does cherry digivolve into eldradimon after only 1 only digimon battle. It only has 600 in holy and is trying to digivolve....... Also who ever did the guide for this on has so many mistakes in it an im sick of going for a certain digimon and dont get it do to incorrect infor. I think you need to add the requirements on the game so you dont have to trust a shady website to get the info, but most likely not because you never replay to any of these. Anyways so now tou know you messed up on eldradimon.

Dude if your going to put the bantyos in the monthly tournement please give us more than 3 minutes. Even with all stats maxed and all items that can be used bantyomamemon doesnt go any lower than half hp and I'm only getting 500 damage with the item boost. Come on dude. And that mission was crazy hard. I beat the bantyos but still they are tougher than the host...... Come on now

Ok this will be kinda long so sorry about that. I love this game dude. One of the best digimon games I've ever played period. Just a few things if you could maybe do something such as some evolutions dont make much since. Like why doesnt candlemon go into meramon. Its only hawkmon, Toyagumon which does make since, and dorumon. Me and my friends play this as if we are digidestind and we each have a different digimon, and its hard to have everyone have a different type due to how many dragon, holy, and beast digimon there are. Please start putting more bug/plant, machine, and more than anything flying and aqua, and not just megas. We have plenty at this point would like to start seeing more rookies, champions of those types to choose from. The last few updates were mostly megas and like 1 or 2 ultimates and 1 champion. So to finish this long thing out. Please better evo lines for digimon or at least more options to turn them into or come from, more intraining through mega of bug, machine, plant, and FOR SURE flying and aqua. Ive actually ran out of megas to go to from those because until the last update you had Herculeskabuterimon, and grandkuwagumon and that was it. Now we got banchostingmon which is awesome by way, but would like more to choose and come from then just Wormmon and tentomon. Palmon is the only true plant rookie in the whole game, and only 3 flying rookies. Still aqua is even worse off. Ive been playing this since you released it and have played it almost every day so this isnt some new guy being a dick lol. Just trying to make it more fun for new comers who dont just like Dragon dark or holy Digimon..... Alot of dragons. Keep up the good work if i can help in anyway i will. I want this game to be its best and i believe your on the right track.