*sigh*thanks *goes upstairs and sits on edge of bed*
*Teleports to Jess* He seems sad why?
*looks away*i dont feel like talking (Pikachu)pika:<
k that's all i wanted to ask
*Teleports back to couch*
(Pikachu)*lays on Keith's lap*:< pika
Hey Pikachu
(Pikachu)pika pi?
*Translates what he's saying* What where you saying again Pikachu?
whsts wrong?
I'm just.. worried about him he seems sad
*Watches TV*
*Takes off his translator* you don't need this anymore for rn :D
And he went to the anti-void for awhile
*accidentally teleports on very edge of bed and falls in front of Jess*, *drops doll making supplies in front of Jess* OUCH! god dam it...
you ok?
*blankly stares a Jess with an upset face* i'm... i'm fine Hun, Just a bit bruised...
*picks up Knitting tolls and Doll*, *Doll looks like Jess*, i don't know why i kept trying to make dolls, they never look right......
O~O o-oh *flings hair back*o-ok
*sets stuff on nightstand and sits next to Jess*, *puts arm around her*, sorry for acting out, i um, i don't normally do that....
ok then
Is, Is everything alright? I know i messed up a bit but, i just wanna know if everything is alright between us...
*hugs Jess* again, i'm sorry for snapping earlier
come on, i'll go make some dinner for everyone...!
*brings Jess to the table* Dinners almost ready
He said he's sorry for acting out
man, i messed up on my stitching! *cute angry expression*