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(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this! I like how i could make a forehand or backhand curve the directions I expected. I was able to ace a few of the holes. I can't wait to play a bunch more holes, and playing this multiplayer would be great.

I would love it if there are different TYPES of disks - drivers, mid range, putters that have different flight characteristics. Would like for instance a power forehand shot to do an S curve. Right now it seems pretty darn easy to throw REALLY hard - maybe tone it down so that people have to throw harder to throw further?

I know I don't have room in my play space to do an x step but it would be fun to need a little more whip to have the velocity.

Really great, i will buy this day one.

edit - additionally there are a couple situations where you can get stuck in bizarre locations. There should be OOB zones that either have a drop or require a rethrow like you do for water - or I can get stuck on top of a stone archway and any movement i do makes the disk fall out of my hand. A couple times just had to lob it underhand backwards from on top of a mountain which felt odd.

Thank you for your detailed feedback. This prototype/demo was the result of a 3 day game jam. We are continuing development and will be making an announcement soon.

Currently our physics simulation accounts for the weight and size of the discs, so we will have different types of discs in our next release.

We are also doing a lot of work with bounds/hazards/locomotion.

We will be making an official announcement regarding a Steam release soon!!

Thanks again :)