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Not sure if these issues were a bug or not (I had a gamepad connected and played with it):

  • It felt really weird how you have to mash buttons to move instead if just holding them.
  • Please make attacking up or down only require you to hold the direction and press the attack button instead of pressing them at the same time.
  • Overall, if feels like the game isn't registering me holding buttons properly.

That made it feel unplayable to me. However, the idea of a classic motorcycle game with a puzzle spin seems like a good one (if you can make it better than Happy Wheels), and there's lots of polish in the art (even if it needs some better consistency), and I appreciate it.

Since I used up my phrase (with parenthesis) quota, I'll leave by saying this seems like a game with good potential, but some glaring issues that nonetheless seem easy to fix. Hope to see the next version in DD39!


Thanks for playing! Sorry you ran into issues, yes I think they were bugs. I've noticed bugs with my gamepads digital pad (but not analog pad) where i need to continually press a button for it to register. This is not the intended behavior, holding buttons should register. I will look into it, sorry about that :/

Thanks for the other feedback, yeah I agree I could use more consistent art style. I'm hoping to do major rework to address these issues and unlock this games potential, your feedback is really appreciated. Cheers :)