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Daunting puzzle game, and it's extremely difficult and satisfying in my opinion. Love the visuals and effects, though the fisheye gets a little tiresome. You deserve a vid playthrough because of how many you upload on demo days. You might as well watch this at 2x speed because I've never felt this brainlet in my life. I didn't understand how blue squares worked until I was deep into one of the later puzzles. Also note I started recording in the middle of my progress on (I believe) the 3rd puzzle. 

I have to agree with a point rokas made, I don't like that black on the map indicates both unseen areas and normal ground. Also reading these comments I see there is an undo button I missed... oops. Enjoy this mess of a video, as I enjoyed your game quite a bit.

Nice, thanks so much for the video. It's so interesting to see someone else playing the game and trying to figure things out, it's difficult for me to visualize how a puzzle might be solved since I already know the solutions so videos are invaluable for me.

You said you only understood the blue blocks later in the game and your video helped me understand why, you seem to have learned it in level 5 (second in the video) once you were forced to go around the pinned box to place the blue block in the bottom right corner, I think I will be making a simpler version of this level earlier on since it seems to be effective, other people who played the game also seemed to be more comfortable once they played that level.

Again, thanks a lot!