Nice concept and interesting artistic skills.
A couple of pros and cons;
- The game actually uses the themes
- Interesting idea and each obstacle effectively interacts with one another in some way
- Animated!
- The player's hitbox is a little bit too big.
- The boxes float? if a box is broken under another one i'd expect it to fall
- The "laser" looks more like flowing ketchup? perhaps show a turret and a red line then activate the laser all at once, laser = light! and light = SPEED
- The music's chords are a little... how to say it, out of tune, perhaps use a chord generator online next time? or give me an option to mute it.
- why is there no WASD - SPACEBAR controls? i'd confidently say at least 75% of players that played the game would have preferred to move with A and D and jump with SPACE (or even W if it's easier for you to code)