Interesting. I am sure, you are not the only one interested in this. I will create a "psychology-class" channel (or a similar name) at my discord, for people to share it. I think this is might be interesting.
Well i'll start here to help, I 1st think I knew I was gay before I knew about almost anything, i was 8 and boys and girls changed together (to underwear) for P.E. and I realised I started being a lot more interested in the boys bodies then perhaps I thought I should, took a couple more years to piece things together, but that is my 1st memory that something "clicked" that I was gay.
Glad you like the idea, I wasn't sure tagging to you was appropriate, but the game idea is growing up gay, so I just thought it fit.
Forgot to mention, the new updates sound great (when I get it working), not been here much, just had a month in hospital with major surgery, again, recovering now, so i'll be following closely until I get it to work for me :), pridedrawing, fel free to emai me your experiences if you wish to share, until I get things working, it was an idea based on a reply you had to one of my comments many weeks ago about my 1st "love chance" Ryan.