Hello :-)
I love your plugin and the HUD Maker Ultra Pro is a great help in evolving our project. Big Thanks for that !
Furthermore I discovered a bug concerning the IconSet section. If you try to get the url via code it won't work because the code never gets processed:
The code set to return the url is present in line 1793 (of HUDMakerUltra.js) inside of iconData.Code, but later it gets forwarded via this._data.Code (line 1802) which is undefined. Hope this explanation helps to fix the bug ;-).
A short workaround for that is using this line in line 1802 of HUDMakerUltra.js:
this._dynamicText = new UltraDynamicText({ Type: 7, Code: this._data.IconData['Code'] }, this._hud.getConfig());
instead of:
this._dynamicText = new UltraDynamicText({ Type: 7, Code: this._data.Code }, this._hud.getConfig());