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(1 edit)

I'm a big supporter of your game and I have multiple questions but I'll only ask you two. My first question is will the game be free when its fully released? My next one is will you ever update the demo? I also see that you released a early access version for 19:99$ on steam but not on here why is that? 

(3 edits)

The full game will be paid, with the price possibly changing as updates continue to flow in.

No clue why Hakita didn't put the full version here either, but that's their personal choice. In any case, if you want to get the game DRM-free, it will also be released on GOG. 

As for updating the demo, that's also probably up to Hakita. 

I chose to only release the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I picked Steam because it's more popular with mass audiences. GOG release is when the game is done and I'll probably also release it here then.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know.

oh ok

is it going to be free



1. The full game costs money because I need to eat in order to stay alive and keep making games.

2. I don't think there's much reason to ever update the demo. The bugs in it are pretty minor and it's so far behind the latest full version that I'd basically have to redo the demo aspects of it again, which would be a timesink without much benefit. The demo at its current state still gives a pretty good baseline idea of whether you'll like the full game or not, so it does its job.

3. I only released the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I only wanted to keep updating one while the game is still in early access, and chose Steam since it's a far more popular platform for mass audiences. After the game is complete, it will also come out on GOG and I'll most likely release it here as well, but for the duration of Early Access, it will probably just remain on Steam.

Ok Thanks :)

and yes i know i replied two months after hakita responded