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A member registered Dec 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Go for it. You can send me email through my bandcamp page and I'm on the New Blood discord with my DMs open, so it's not difficult to contact me outside of Twitter.

There's an endless mode called The Cyber Grind in the Early Access version that's on Steam

The game should save automatically between missions. You can't save during a mission, though. If the game doesn't save automatically after you complete a mission, there's some problem with saving.

It's an edited version of BroshK

There's a Linux version of the demo on this page, but for the full game's early access version you'll need to use Proton

That means your generalprogress save was corrupted. You'll need to remove that from the Saves folder and try again.

No, this is just the demo, the one on Steam is the Early Access version of the full game.

Probably after the game's done.

Try enabling vsync, setting a framerate target or disabling environmental particle effects

The game is in early access on Steam, but evidently you don't like it, so I doubt you'd care.

The early access version on Steam has partial controller support. This means it's playable with a controller, but the menus dont work yet and you can't rebind any buttons for it yet. Those are coming later, but are not a priority.

"Coming to early access in 2020" and it did, in September 2020.

Early Access started on Steam in September 2020.


No, reasons explained here:

Unlikely, there isn't enough of an audience to justify the added workload of supporting 32bit systems. Sorry.

Possibly, though probably not until the game is done, since I have my hands full with development.

While we will be looking at the possibility of console ports after the game is done, PS3 won't be happening since the current version of Unity doesn't support that and there isn't enough of an audience to warrant remaking the whole game in a different engine.

Unlikely, there isn't enough of an audience to justify the added workload of supporting 32bit systems. Sorry.

I chose to only release the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I picked Steam because it's more popular with mass audiences. GOG release is when the game is done and I'll probably also release it here then.

1. The full game costs money because I need to eat in order to stay alive and keep making games.

2. I don't think there's much reason to ever update the demo. The bugs in it are pretty minor and it's so far behind the latest full version that I'd basically have to redo the demo aspects of it again, which would be a timesink without much benefit. The demo at its current state still gives a pretty good baseline idea of whether you'll like the full game or not, so it does its job.

3. I only released the early access version on Steam because keeping multiple storefronts up to date is a chore, so I only wanted to keep updating one while the game is still in early access, and chose Steam since it's a far more popular platform for mass audiences. After the game is complete, it will also come out on GOG and I'll most likely release it here as well, but for the duration of Early Access, it will probably just remain on Steam.

When it's done.

It's currently in Early Access on Steam. The full game will probably be done either really late this year or sometime next year.


There's one more level after Cerberus. The demo ends with a big "End of Demo" text.


Yes, the game has an option that lets you turn off blood and gibs.

The early access version is currently $20 but will rise as more content is added in. Probably in the $25-30 range but hasn't been decide yet.

It would be faster for you to just try it out for yourself since it's free and a small filesize.


Probably once early access ends, but at least for now early access is only on Steam.

The early access version has partial controller support.

There's an assist mode in Options > Assist that lets you reduce gamespeed and the amount of damage enemies do if the game's currently too hard.

Twitter, here or discord will work fine.

I do still have it, but why?

Would be faster for you to just try it and see if it works.

I don't have the skills required to maintain a Mac version or help solve any issues that Mac users would be facing. This is also the reason the native Linux version was discontinued.

Thanks for the story suggestion, but yes, I do have the story figured out already, and while I like aspects of this idea, it wouldn't fit into the themes I want the story to be about.

Thanks for the offer, but we won't be considering translations until the game is done.

No, because I very quickly realized that supporting Linux natively was biting off more than I could chew. Apparently it runs well on Proton, though.