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Hi, thanks for those ideas, here is few responses:

  • Palette box will be in the next version (tomorrow, I think)
  • There is an experimental version for the color picker through transparent part of the canvas (right-click on the color picker icon to activate it, can take few seconds)
  • if you hold left click on pen icon, you could have a line tool (buggy but will fix in the next version)
  • importing things is a good idea, I write it in my to-do list. For now, you can paste an image from the clipboard if you want (I try with an image copy from photoshop, it's work)
  • I asked myself the question for the onion skin, but I was thinking this is not really usefull for rotoscoping, is it?

next version is out!

Hi, about the onion skinning, I figured that it's not a necessity buy some people might need it since their target framerate might be higher than the background video's frame rate so they might want to "fill" the in betweens by hand.

Thanks for the update, we'll go check it out!