Yea, I've looked at both the json and the gfx but I don't have the knowledge to implement it myself. I thought maybe having tied to a specific objective would be easiest, since then you could add conditions to that objective and stack it with current badges. So basically would just be if this objective complete, then make bar blue. The color would just be static like silent assassin.
If I'm understanding correctly, currently the scoring system goes:
*if Silent Assassin and no badges = UI_RATING_SILENT_ASSASSIN (red bar)
*if Silent Assassin + Badges = UI_RATING_SILENT_ASSASSIN + Badges (red bar)
*If no silent assassin but has badges = Badges (white bar)
So to add it to the current modded scoring system, it would be if no silent assassin but objective complete (ghost assassin) = UI_RATING_GHOST_ASSASSIN + Badges (blue bar)
*If no silent assassin and no ghost assassin but has badges = Badges (white bar)
Still thinking about a good SA alternative but maybe something like
1. No damage or maybe no missed shots
2. Only kill guards (not sure if the game distinguishes between the two) but ok to kill NPCS via accidents.
3. No witnesses
4. No recordings
5.No bodies (might not be possible implement? basically, if you eliminate whoever saw the dead bodies, their seen bodies are reduced/not counted. ok to not have this requirement if not possible to implement).
5-1. If above can't be implemented, alternative would be Combat state not entered.
After tinkering with the rating system, I think ioi should've made it so that SA badge does not supersede other playstyles. Just having the red bar would represent SA and you could still have another badge for your playstyle. I managed to get 3 badges with your offline mod, is it currently unlimited?