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Welp I guess I will take it to*takes pill*
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(i'l talk later, i gtg for a little while, i'll message later)

(Hey i'm back! are you there?)

(I was going to bed now because I have math testing tomorrow So I will talk to you tomorrow at 12:30)

(alright, good night!)

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Well, if your asking Jess than your gonna have to wait since she's afk, but if your asking me, (probably not), then no i don't remember you

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I know I was worried
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Hello! How did the test go?


Good to hear! How's your "fancy" family doing? (including you of course -w-)


(okay, i feel like we talked about this before, like EXACTLY like this before! is that kinda weird or no?)

it is

yeah i kinda thought it was......continue the rp or are you busy?

*starts thrusting into Jess while moving her up and down*, *starts licking Jess's tits*


*blushes and looks away for a few moments*, *continues thrusting into Jess, only faster*

*blushes while moaning*

*puts face in between Jess's tits*, *goes a little deeper inside of jess*


*goes slightly faster while thrusting*, *starts sucking on Jess's tits*

Mmmmmhm f-fuck
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*sucks on both tips of Jess's tits*, *goes deeper inside of Jess, also picking up the speed doing so*

(Dust) Yo

(me) hey.

(dust) what happened?

(me) Nothing just visiting ya.

*sends a spirit like clone* Hello you two, i'm here to inform you that i may not be here for the day as for today, i'm trying to spend time with my wife, but if any emergency comes up i'll gladly help

(me) Tch shut up.

(Dust) Hmph.

Okay, listen here killer, you could have CALLED before you walked in! but NOOOO, you didn't and is somehow pissed at ME that i was doing something!

YEA >:c

*teleports to error * yo whats- ... Jesus..*teleports to dust* 

(okay, how come you always come in the wrong time, like seriously?! xD)

( idk?)


(Dust) oh how nice of you.

(me) yep. anyways what are you doing.

(dust) nothing really just looking at this view.