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(1 edit)

I've been stuck on chanel's side quest. The one where the MC has to find something to free His hands from the rope

Edit: already Sölve this problem (the knife is small AF)

I've another problem though

Its maeve's computer password (her birthday) i already knew the answer but when i type it in,it say wrong password

Like how do you type in? I try type in

0810 and 1008 but Its Still wrong


Your first two digit number is wrong..  

Read it again.

What first two digit

the '08' or the '10'



i'm getting a effing headache cause of this effing Numbers 

She was fired two days before her birthday. It's on the back of the photo... now if you haven't found the photo yet...

Dont worry i've got it

Dont worry i've got it

Gotta read the clues carefully buds. Was it two days before or after her bday? ;p


Its okay i've got it. I must say....... I'm a effing idiot not realizing the Riddle sooner

><' haha. Its ok. Many peeps took some time to figure it out too.


having the same problem. have tried 1012 and 1210. still wrong


nvm, i insert them in door code instead of computer. my bad.

can i get a hint where this little knife is? been stuck for awhile.

Its on the crate besife the grill

The knife is on top of the box (on the 2nd floor) just tap the box rapidly and you Will got it