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A member registered Nov 07, 2019

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From Solus here and can confirm the same grey screen bug. Tried it on a laptop, Solus (linux kernel 5.14), i5 9300H, Nvidia 1650 GTX (with nvidia driver), on an SSD.

I'd like to disagree with you on one point. PC games weren't always this update prone. 

30 years ago most games, PC or otherwise did not have updates.

25 years ago some PC games would sometimes get an update.

20 years ago, because of increased internet speeds, updates became the norm for a lot of PC titles, but most games were still finished at release.

15 years ago updates became a thing on console, because not of higher internet speeds but because of the ubiquity of broadband.

10 years ago or around that time is when the shit hit the fan. Not only were microtransations booming thanks to a 2009 Horse Armour game, always online DRM was becoming the norm and the first day one patches started to become the norm on PC and  console. And that's all ignoring kickstarter and steam greenlight.

5 years ago is when indies went to patreon/early access, and AAA started going all in on microtransactions. Not a year has passed since that time where we did not see yet another AAA studio saying they'd change their focus towards lootboxes and microtransacions.

The good news is indies are blooming. The bad news is that they're doing it either on kickstarted/indigogo, on patreon or via early access. The real bad news is that for every honest dev we get a dozen that either quit or are just scamming people.

And with porn being treated as a second class citizen in most stores, online or otherwise, and with the state of the game industry being where it is, it's not wonder a lot of devs have no idea how to make a good game or the proper way to develop anything, let alone a game. Games like Deviant Anomalies are rare, in that they're porn games and good games at the same time. But, considering how few porn games ever get finished, indifferent of how much money gets poured into them on Patreon, and how some the 1.0 games play... well, let's say I'm hoping for the best but I'm not expecting much.

I actually deleted my F95 account after a spat with someone on there in regards to the topic or such games being release episodically. For some (most?) devs that episodes are nothing more then internal chapters and every "new" episode is just the latest version of a game. For others  an episode is just that, a stand alone game short game that continues from where their previous game left off. The 1.0 debate is the same. For some (again, most) 1.0 means final release. but for some devs, 1.0 is just an arbitrary point that means nothing. That's why I was concerned. I like the direction of this game, but if it hit's 1.0 with this little content I'm out. The same for games whose devs suddenly, decide to split the game into the old version and the new version - see My New Family for an example of that.

As for AAA games doing shit like this... well, that's our fault frankly. If we keep doing shit like preordering, buying games before reviews are out, and not asking for refunds of newly released games that don't work in the hope that they might one day work the only people to blame are us, not the corporate execs overworking developer who make the decision to release games before they're ready.

Normally I'd be with you on that but some devs think the number after 0.9 is 1.0 indifferent of the state of the game. Just look at Lord King as an example of someone doing just that fairly recently.

Decent game and decent update though I think calling this 0.4.3 is a bit too optimistic. This seems to be more of a sandbox/visual novel combo than a pure VN and I doubt anybody, the author included, will be satisfied with this ending too soon and with not enough cases for us to solve. Just my 2 cents.

She was fired two days before her birthday. It's on the back of the photo... now if you haven't found the photo yet...

I really wish you had gone with 0.10 as opposed to 1.0.

Rereading my comment, I'd like to clarify something. When I say this series showcases your growth I mean that literally. The last game of the series in significantly better. Even if the models uses are the same old, the way they are posed, the way they're used, the diversity of backgrounds and models, and the writing, all see a significant improvement. You did in fact become a better game developer over the course of this series. I know some of your newer stuff has better models, though simpler stories. Here's hoping once you get the hang of the newer, better looking assets you try your hand at another story like you did in this series.

Interesting series, though considering the quality of the assets, the images are a bit too large - and the the games a bit too large - for what we're playing. That being said, you do seem to be one of the few adult game creators that actually finishes his games... even if they're short enough to mostly count as demos.

Should you ever decide to move to bigger, better things as it were, remember this series, because while the art and story might not be great, hell, sometimes they fall beneath mediocre, not only does this series showcase your growth as an artist, but as an author and story teller. It would be interesting to see you try to tackle this subject a second time, but this time as just one game wit ha few choices.

Were it not for the - in my opinion - way too CG looking Demons this would be one of the best games of it's kind out there. It might just be me but the demon CGIs just take me out of it. Otherwise it's a 10/10. Probably the best game of it's kind on itch.io.

Game version: Version 34

OS: Linux, distro Solus, DE Budgie.

Bug description: Tittle pretty much says it all. Game opens, then crashes, taking the DE with it, forcing it to restart.

Way to replicate: Dl, unzipped, checked to see if the executable had permission to run - it did. Tried to open it and it crashed to desktop - taking budgie with it. Tried again and it forced a log off since the system couldn't recover.

Second attempt was via terminal. I get one or two dozen errors, with a final warning that one of the files it had loaded - object something or other - hadn't been successfully unloaded and was still in memory. Second attempt to open takes the entire system with it. 

Unfortunately I erased the game before thinking of filling this and since the game doesn't work to begin with I'm in no mood to redownload it just to make a copy of the error messages. Sorry, but I won't be any more help.

I dunno if I agree with the statement "Solid graphics quality." from the games description but I do know one thing, this game is funny. The dialogue is actually captivating and funny. It's not perfect, but it's actually a step or two above other games in the same genre. I can't believe I'm writing this but this is actually one of those games I'd recommend not for the porn as much as I'd recommend it for the dialogue.

I'm not complaining the incest was removed, I'm complaining about how illogical and unreadable the text is now that the incest has been removed. This is a visual novel with just a few choices - thought they tend to be major choices. Because of the way the incest was bruteforced out of the game the text now makes no goddamn sense.

Because in a lot of games incest isn't the main theme and you can chose not to engage with that part of the game.

The incest removal is so clunky it's actually in LOL territory. The game is almost unplayable because of the aforementioned clunkyness. Wile I'm not a fan of incest, I dunno if this was that great of a move - at least in the brute force it was done. I take it it was imposed by Patreon or Ichi.io rules?

On the one hand I pity the dev, he's going to have one hell of a time rewriting the game dialogue thus far. On the other I really don't care for incest so in the long run this will only make the game more playable for people like me.