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*stops talking midway* Wh@t d0 y0u W@nT?

your gonna hurt your wife error I'd advise to stand back.* whispers to myself* I owe a favor anyways.

*looks at hands* 1 Kn3w 1 w@$ D@ngrU0s...

Your not just stand back * pulls out a redish knife* Hmph 

*steps back* $-$t@y @w@y! d-D0n't w@nn@ hUrt y0u!

Its fine you'll probably wont even land a punch on me hmph.

 *Loud siren sounds playing a eerie voice*  Y o u  t h i n k  H e  i s  i n  c o n t r o l ?  Pi t i f u l . . .

.....! WHO ARE YOU...

S o m e o n e  y o u  s h o u l d  f e a r !  Y o u  c a n ' t  h e l p  h i m  n o w  e r r- *my voice* D0n'T L1$t13n t0 h3r!

its a her huh hm...

(Skid&Pump)did you say fear?Oooh Spooky~