Hi there! For starters I wanted to say I love SUVA and I'm glad to see further development of it. ❤
I just wanted to ask about the Tobii eye tracking as there are some changes that seem to be a step forward but with some caveats. It looks like the intention in the new version is to have the virtual monitor track with head movement somewhat but now I'm having my eyes get stuck as I tend to look off the main screen over at a second monitor frequently to read messages. When I look back at the main tracked monitor, my eyes are locked to one side. I seem to have to over extend my head in the opposite direction to re-centre my eyes again.
I was wondering if there would be a way to set a threshold perhaps to reset the virtual display position relative to the current head orientation or maybe put something like a dynamic bone on the virtual screen object to have it smoothly transition back to the current head location?
Of course I'm not a dev or anything so please correct me if I'm missing something or interpreting this incorrectly.
I took a quick video to illustrate the problem I'm having all be it with exaggerated head movements.