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Hi there,

Thanks for the kind feedback! In regards to your first question, yes that is done by design. It prevents people from accidently scraping partial downloads, poor quality files, or other files that might be mixed in your download folder (for example video ads, or other strange things websites put in download packages). If I may ask, what is the file size of your movie your trying to catalog? Isn't the quality of your video seriously harmed at such low levels? Anyways as a temporary work around, what I think you can do is catalog your *.ts files first, and then compress the videos after the fact. 

In regards to your second question, you are correct! Video information comes from the movies side and not from the amature side. To be honest, I never thought to include it because I didn't realize it worked on a seperate system. Does downloading videos still work for the amature side, or is it just scraping that's the problem? This is something that could totally be added in a future release. I just need to find time to get to it, since I prioritize my backlog according to Patreon, user needs, and which effect the greatest number of people. (^_^);