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Great game. So far this is my favorite from this jam. I love the art style and the music is great. Also the scratch and animation with the helicopter when you die is cool (alsthough the first couple of times I was confused and thought: wow, I can even fly on a helicopter ;) )
That beeing said I still think there is some space to improve. The jumps were kind of long. And with the limited view I jumped into enemies on the next building more often than I's like to admit. And when landing directly on them I couldn't fight them, which leads to a free chopter flight :)

Also the respawn animation takes a long time. Not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time. But the 58th time (yes, I died a lot)  it feels just forever when all you want to do is going back into the action.

Also I really enjoyed the music and on of the worst parts was that the music stopped until you respawned :D

But still I really like this game and with some improvements I can imagine plaing it on my phone from time to time