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A member registered Feb 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great game. Once you get used to the bounciness of the balls and you know how to throw them, it turns into a cool puzzle game. The difficulty increases nicely (when you excuse the random lucky shots that will just win you the level). 

I did encounter a bug where my ball got destroyed and stayed in the form of a big black pile of death :D Too bad it was after a perfect first throw, since I had to restart the level

I totally agree. Play this!

I hates everything about this game. The dark (yet not so dark) atmosphere, the constant feeling of being lost, the horror whenever a red dot appeared, the dread to use another sonar because you never knew how far you still have to go, ... terrible. Worst half hour of my life. Or was it an hour? 10 minutes? I don't know. I was so captured and couldn't stop. Why would you create such a game, knowing that people  won't be able to stop playing. Now I need to go outside for a bit just to get rid of that feeling of being stuck under the sea... Outside! Where the sun lives! And trees! Why do you think I play video games? To go outside? 


The game look really good. Even the menu transition felt great.

But I definitely am not one for rhythm games. It even took me a while to figure out it was a rhythm game. At first I just wanted to blame bad controls :D. So I didn't made it past the first enemy before rage quitting.

(Also I think the trigger point was offset to the beat, which didn't help my progress)

Once you look past the slowish controls, this is a fun game. Especially the voice narration is a cool addon which I don't understand why now more game jam games do that. And yes, we also didn't have the time for it - So great work fitting it in ;)

Great dungeon crawler. Looks and sounds pretty good.

Sometimes I thought the levels are a bit too big/empty/boring. But I understand that during the limited time it is sometimes not possible to fill the level with stuff. And more enemies would make it way harder. So I get why it is how it is. Just saying that sometimes walking for what feels like 20 seconds to get to the next enemy feels a bit unsatisfying. 

But saying that I don't want it to sound like I disliked the game. The level up mechanic for the spells felt great. And even though I didn't exactly know what the level up on the stats will actually do for me, I just like levelling up :)

Oh yeah. And character customization is such a "useless" feature, that adds so much to the user experience that I always think afterwards "why haven't we implemented that" :D

Cool new puzzle concept. There is surely a lot of potential for future upgrades. I am thinking changing connections based on player actions, or special items to form new connections. 

But this idea itself is great.

Ok, I couldn't figure out what to do... I can hit the ball and sometimes the number in the middle changes when I hit a number on the wall. But sometimes it doesn't seem to change... Sorry, but I can't figure it out

Cool game. I just want to point one mildly annoying thing out: why can you skip the text and not forward it to show completely? I don't have the patience to wait for the text to show word by word. But the only solution was to skip it completely. I would love to just skip to the end of the text on mouse press and then continue ;)

After it took me some time to figure out what I was doing, I have to say this is a great concept. Truly original idea I would say. The puzzles were good, but the difficulty increase could maybe balanced a little bit better. The 2nd level for example was one of the harder ones, as I had still no idea what to do and suddenly those blobs can kill you. 

For graphics I would say that sometimes it is tough to get a good overview. Especially in the buildings, the different floors and rooms visually just block the easy recognition of the wires. I don't know how, but it would have been easier to get a better overview of the wires.

But those are just details and the main part is, that the game play just feels good

The game feels great to play. The graphics and audio are just perfect. Also the different enemies paired with the simple control to jump and shoot are the right amount of complexity for this game. It all feels right... But: I find the game very hard. That can be a planned decision, which would be totally fine. But me personally I never survived longer than maybe 30 seconds (Not that I am normally any good in those kind of games). Jumping down without knowing what you will land on is a gamble which you always lose when you do it long enough. And if I tried to play it safe the enemies got me for not paying attention to them.

But I still had a great time and think for other players this can be a perfect game.

For a first game this is amazing. Even when the assets are not made by you. There are so much features and so much done right, that it really feels like a complete game. Sure, the balancing is a bit slow and at times I was just sitting around waiting for more enemies. And the standard attack is a pain to target anything with. But besides that the upgrades were cool  and it felt satisfying to kill of those mobs

The combat is pretty basic, but with the variety of enemies and the possibility to analyse the enemies for all future tries this one offers some cool tactics.

That's what I wanted to write when I was about the kill the cyclops. Then I learned, that this wasn't the end but kind of just the start of the game. It is just addictive to keep going

Sorry for not writing my own comment, but Program Sams comment just says exactly what I feel about the game:

"I reaaaaly wanted this to work well because it is a fun concept! But It was really hard to control, sometimes I had to restart entirely because I couldn't go back to the building menu, there is little control over the vessel or explenation or what each component does. But I love this genre."

Thank you! We are so glad that our core concept gets such positive feedback from everyone. we are already working on the clarity of the actions and what to do in a post jam update. As for the progression, it may be too slow for a game jam, but balancing all stats in the short amount of time we had was though. So I am still happy with what we got. 

As for the moving multiple hexes, don't even get me started. I spend almost a day trying to implement an A* pathfinding algorithm. You see the result: I couldn't make it work in the limited time :) But we all agree that it would have been a good thing to have.

Thank you. That was exactly what we were going for. And asf ro the untapped potential: We still had a lot of idesa we couldn't implement for the jam. And we are currently planning if and what and when we should do an updated extended version of the game.

Yes, the balancing can always use work. I think I'm quite happy with the balancing we got in that short amount of time with limited playtesting, but I agree that it has some shortcomings.

Thank for the comment. I totally agree, that some things need to be communicated better to the player. With more time we probably would have. But we wrote your comments into our todo list for the post jam update, we are already working on.  

I think I don't need to say how great this game is. Sometimes it is just worth it, playing the most rated games.

But I have to say that I am still missing the roguelike features (ok, I didn't manage to die even if I tried to in the end), and the difficult decisions might be a bit oversold, als I just clicked on everything every room I entered :D

The game looks and sounds amazing. The level of polish is great. Also I think the game concept with the 2 different colors and attack or defend is a cool idea. 

But sadly it is nothing for me. I tried multiple times, but the movement, following the mouse, to attack is just nothing I can seem to handle. Maybe if the movement and attack were decoupled I would be able to progress. But also not sure how much that would take from your original game design

Great game. I love this kind of games. Just keep digging for treasure! For a longer motivation there could have been maybe more different things to collect or different abilities. But thinking about it now you do have a lot of stuff for a 1 week development. Compared to yours, our game only has the same game loop 

I love grindy games. this one felt really satisfying. Sometimes I had a bit of a problem selecting the correct block with the cursor, but that was just me trying to go as fast as possible and not being accurate enough.

The audio is on point. The game play is fun and with the variety of targets it doesn't get stale too fats. But at some point it just keeps on repeating. But still I had a great time playing it

Wow. greta game. there is so much to explore. The first time I just upgraded my speed and research... but then it got really hard to get further upgrades and therefore I couldn't get too deep. Second time around I concentrated on depth and it was a completely different experience. 

Maybe I missed some of the things to do... but somehow I just dove down, found the chest. went up a bit, found the key and won... felt a bit too simple and fast. 

But saying that the art looks great (in that I would love to turn in my price, but since I wouldn't know what to do with it, I just applaud you).

The core game works. but except eating the green dots I wasn't sure what to do. I just now read in the comments that I could have interacted with the ants? That for sure wasn't clear while playing. I never saw anything happen

reminds me a lot of one of my favorite games on one of the last lds. But this is a great adaptation and I enjoyed it as much as I did back then. Felt a bit harder, but then I also didn't relised that I can remember the dark spots like HansLiu said ;)

Yes, the spikes are sometimes hard to spot. But those that take anything away from this game? no. Great graphics, amazing sound, newspaper headline on death... I don't know if there is something at the bottom of the pit or not, but I had fun diving down there

Thank you. But why did you play for a long time? You can speed run the game in maybe 2 minutes :D (if you made the game and know exactly what to do ;) ).

But we're happy that other players get a longer and still enjoyable  playtime out of it.

Thanks. We love to hear that

you can discover multiple islands each run. But I agree, that it might be unclear how to at the beginning.

All islands can be unlocked from different taverns. And some of those islands also have additional unlock conditions like “travel 100 hexes“. So you could progress by just playing and upgrading the ship.

But I understand now that this is not that clear to the player.

Great game. I liked the different areas with different enemies.


Actually that would have been a great idea. 

Really good entry. The oxygen is brutal though. It goes down so fast and I died multiple times just pixels before returning to the ship. But I love upgrades! 

This game got stressful pretty quickly :) I didn't made it all the way to the end, but I enjoyed playing it. Also I am still not sure if the red line or the tentacle hit box actually does the damage. there were times were I was obviously clear of the tentacle but still got damage. And other times were I didn't. So sometimes it was not completely clear why

cool little story. I like the twist of being a fish. first time I got bullied by all the sharks. So I just levels strength and got my revenge the second time around.

Haha. I never realised that I can press the $ button for upgrades :D Guess it's time to go back and try again 

Great game. At first I thought that is was to simple as there are no choices. But I was proven wrong in the next levels. I criticism would be that the game depends a lot on the random item placement. sometimes there is nothing you can do to solve a level as the enemies are to strong and you cannot reach a helpful item. Besides that I love the game concept

not sure what to do. I know I can move and collect the coins. And I can dive and need to a void the life guard ... but I still struggle to put that all together to play this game :/