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Thanks for playing, I did that to keep people from spamming the same person over and over again. If it remained that way, the game had no challenge.  My thought process was to simulate age. So after a certain amount of water given, a variable come true. It has a 1 /20 chance of speeding up the water time by .025 seconds, to a maximum ( I forget the maximum). It honestly isn't very balanced, but it was my best ideal for it. 

Thanks again, I have some goals for it, but I am wanting to take it outside of a 2d plane.  So, I am currently learning that facet of Godot, and game development. 


If thats a "true" things about giving too much water, then maybe could have some kinda of indicator that they are overhydrated? Just spit-balling ideas at you.  I hope you do get to make it into a 3d game. would like to see how this game develops.


Thank you! I will do my best.

Yeah, I did want an indication of some kind, but I was kinda limited in ways to present it. Maybe a drop of water in a green square or something similar.

 I really wanted to use this game jam as an opportunity to mostly learn ideas about spawning and removing Kinematic 2D Bodys, and simple pathing for npc characters. Which was my main focus. I'm still very early in my journey as it is.

I am kinda torn between a isometric style, or voxel based style.

The primary project I have been working on will have need for some of the background processes not really visible to the player.