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I'd like to disagree with you on one point. PC games weren't always this update prone. 

30 years ago most games, PC or otherwise did not have updates.

25 years ago some PC games would sometimes get an update.

20 years ago, because of increased internet speeds, updates became the norm for a lot of PC titles, but most games were still finished at release.

15 years ago updates became a thing on console, because not of higher internet speeds but because of the ubiquity of broadband.

10 years ago or around that time is when the shit hit the fan. Not only were microtransations booming thanks to a 2009 Horse Armour game, always online DRM was becoming the norm and the first day one patches started to become the norm on PC and  console. And that's all ignoring kickstarter and steam greenlight.

5 years ago is when indies went to patreon/early access, and AAA started going all in on microtransactions. Not a year has passed since that time where we did not see yet another AAA studio saying they'd change their focus towards lootboxes and microtransacions.

The good news is indies are blooming. The bad news is that they're doing it either on kickstarted/indigogo, on patreon or via early access. The real bad news is that for every honest dev we get a dozen that either quit or are just scamming people.

And with porn being treated as a second class citizen in most stores, online or otherwise, and with the state of the game industry being where it is, it's not wonder a lot of devs have no idea how to make a good game or the proper way to develop anything, let alone a game. Games like Deviant Anomalies are rare, in that they're porn games and good games at the same time. But, considering how few porn games ever get finished, indifferent of how much money gets poured into them on Patreon, and how some the 1.0 games play... well, let's say I'm hoping for the best but I'm not expecting much.