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(2 edits)

I'm sorry, I must have missed something as I didn't understand what I was supposed to do. I'm thinking it maybe was matching the pattern on the left but I'm not sure. There is no feedback to the player at all. As players, we need to know if we are doing the right thing. I couldn't tell. Also the I couldn't understand what anything did. If I skipped a level I didn't even know I skipped. I spent less than 5 mins playing then I got frustrated and left. 

Great Devlog though, Keep working on it.

No need to be sorry! This is great feedback. :)

Since this is a puzzle game, figuring out what you're supposed to do is actually the core gameplay. And guess what? With "matching the pattern on the left" you've already made a huge step in the right direction!

"Also the I couldn't understand what anything did.": If you don't mind spending a few more minutes on this, could you list your best guess of what each of the twelve tools are doing? As the developer I obviously never had to go through the initial explorative phase of the game, so getting feedback about the learning curve is incredibly valuable.

Thank you for giving it a try!