Hey Retro! The polishing you added really gave the game a nicer feel. Was just finishing (I believe at least, was around the Ancient Ruins) the last version when this update launched. Well, and then there I am playing again. Now, the things I noticed:
- Bug: it seems the Scythe price is actually 62cp. Not sure throught.
- Bug: it also seems that you can't get the silo upgrade, the one that uses 300 wood, 200 copper, since at this point the wood limit is 250.
- Bug: when the Smelting upgrade is adquired, the Crafting tab don't appear, as it is said (at least I think the console says this). However, finishing the caves enables that tab.
Opinions: adding the icons and fades really made the game fell better. To make it better, I think the hand should point left, since the mouse also points left. Also, more workers would be nice. Maybe hiring them should be possible?
However, these are just opinions! Really nice to see this update. I stopped playing around the tunnels, so there's still a lot to play. Looking foward to future updates!