I'm glad you enjoyed it :D Yeah, there pretty much wasn't a genuinely happy and healthy ending in there x3 Aside from where he leaves near the beginning, as you said, haha. I guess it's a good job that it was only a trial for the model cos if they'd sent those out en masse, there would have been a lot of issues xD
I'm also glad you liked MC even though they're a bit different to the typical sort you get in stuff like this :3 They're waaaay more assertive than me too, haha. You're absolutely right though, being stuck going stir-crazy can certainly make folks somewhat more aggressive x3 Hooray for spunk! I've tried to make the heroine of my Otome Jam 2021 game that I'm working on a little more spunky too, haha.
That's great that you liked ELI! I was a little concerned that the whole choosing a voice thing wouldn't really have the same impact without any voice acting >.< If you do end up writing some fanfic, you'll have to let me know cos I'd love to read it :D
It makes me super happy to know that you had fun with it, so thank you very much for playing and taking the time to type up such kind words! It's much appreciated ^-^ Come the end of June, I'll have another free release out for Otome Jam, and I've teamed up with a couple of artists this time :3