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Really love the controls and how it punishes you for trying to rush through areas. Puzzles aren't too hard to figure out but are still challenging enough to really test you. Sprite work is great and same for the music ! My only issue, and this may not even be intentional and might just be a client side issue, but the rapid flashing of the ball around the living player was difficult to focus on for me and made it hard to play at points. However looking at your screenshots this effect isn't present, so may just be an issue with the web player.

the ball is toggling each frame, so it should do an on/off cycle 30 times each second, which should be fast enough to not be noticed — it’s the same effect as the shields in the old Sonic or Mega Man games. but! thanks for pointing that out! i should probably stick an option in the pause-menu to toggle it between “semitransparency mode” or “solid ring mode”