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A member registered Jan 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thankyou for the feedback ! we're hoping to bring some more ideas to the game and incorporate Dice mechanics as much as possible, it was a super fun theme! Glad you enjoyed our game, We look forward to playing yours !

Thankyou Sm for the feedback! We hoped that the randomized spawn locations would possibly hinder any training of the creatures however we do hope to bring in some more variation once we have time to work on it further. 

Apologies for the confusing UI, I sadly  spent too much time trying to get the spawning and round system to a standard i liked that i didn't have much more than a Day to focus on the overall Ui and UX. Do you have any specific suggestions.areas of focus in the Menus that you found could be improved ? UX overhaul is my first improvement i want to focus on, so any feedback is greatly appreciated :) 

Thankyou again for the feedback! We both look forward to playing your game.

Thankyou for the feedback Prinny! I'm glad it managed to run better on a lower spec machine!  Your suggestion for rolling for reload amount is a great idea! We might have to incorporate that in as a  new weapon later down the line, adds a good risk/reward to using it.

We really wanted to add a few more types of Dice as other monsters but decided to focus on the one enemy type for the jam period so we could make sure it was as polished as we could get in the time frame. But we already have 2 new enemies already planned that we hope could bring in some great variation to the fights alongside some improved pathing for the ai so we can create more complex levels.

definitely one of the most interesting concepts from this jam.  I like the subtle exploration of personal morals. its definitely  a theme i'd like to see more of.

the art style is insanely eyecatching and really sets it apart from other submissions. Your writing is quite good too and the dialogue feels well put together. 

the possibility of choices in dialogue trees would be nice to see, so that the story feels more personal and the player can take a more unique approach to how they want to interact with each monster.  

I personally chose Sea, As based on Fogs dialogue , if i chose them i would only hurt them, they didn't mind that I would hurt them but it was clear they missed what they were before people moved in. So i chose sea so that fog wouldn't get any worse just so i could stay with "what i already knew" and instead chose to try something new with sea.

maybe im looking into it a bit too deep. but altogether i loved this project <3

super cool concept ! it was a little difficult to figure out at first but otherwise i fun idea

be careful of scaling your sprites, but good work nonetheless

I like your art, controlling your units could use some refinement but otherwise a good submission

Interesting idea with the randomized monsters, with a little more work this could be a really cool project. combat is a little repetitive, id suggest maybe swapping away from the space bar, and avoid the need for rapid spammy imputs.

Interesting premise and use of the limitation. a full rpg like battle system would be maddening to make in the short space of time but you've shown off a really good concept. it would be great to see this fleshed out properly.

Great concept ! really fun control scheme to match too! your art assets are really nice and fit a really cool theme, It feels like the game is straight out of a doodle at the back of a textbook, i really like it. Welldone.

Absolutely LOVE your sprite work! Especially for the main character. The overall presentation is really nice and I can really imagine it on a older handled system.  

If i HAD to give any negative feedback I'd say it would benefit from some more user feedback for certain actions, for example adding a hit or shake animation to buildings to react to the player that they hit the building, it just requires more damage to break.

there's the obvious lack of sound, however as someone who actively forgets sound too i cant fault you for this as it can often be overlooked when you're focused on development.

I do genuinely think this project really hits the mark aesthetically and think you've done a great job ! Would love to see this expanded on in the future.

I like the concept, Your use of the rythm game was nice.  Overall i would just say it would really benefit from some more variation with the level design, and the desert levels background music could really do with being less repetitive and high pitched.  i'd also suggest some more UX feedback during the rythm game based on hits or misses. However i really do love your sprite work for the main character, the little kaiju looked adorable.

Really love the controls and how it punishes you for trying to rush through areas. Puzzles aren't too hard to figure out but are still challenging enough to really test you. Sprite work is great and same for the music ! My only issue, and this may not even be intentional and might just be a client side issue, but the rapid flashing of the ball around the living player was difficult to focus on for me and made it hard to play at points. However looking at your screenshots this effect isn't present, so may just be an issue with the web player.

I like the theme you've gone with and how you've utilised the limitation. I would say that the airdash controls could do with a little fine-tuning and it would benefit from some visual feedback for when you need to dash into the lanterns. To better explain what i mean I'd say look at 'Shovel Knight: Spectre Of Darkness' and how they  added a Simple bit of UI to make the dash mechanic a little more obvious.

Thankyou for the feedback ! cant say i agree that its the "best" game ever in ue4, but i'm definitely happy with the progress i made with this project.

I'll look at getting a smaller build on the itch page this weekend after the voting period is up. the large size is due to ue4 being naturally much bigger than other engines and an issue i encountered on the final day where i had some dependencies that were breaking certain actors when i was removing the bulk of unused content.  I'm sorry for the large size, this is something i'm going to plan more for in the future.


Hi! Thanks for the feedback. I sadly had to crunch before the deadline and  little things like my line trace's and collision were still visible as i packaged a development build rather than a shipping build to save some time. I want to improve the balancing for the stamina system so that the slash and bite seem more reasonable to use rather than only relying on the dash.

In regards to lack of sound, As i was working solo and didnt have the time to source many appropriate effects but this is something im going to rectify for future jams by prepping a library of sounds beforehand. 

once again thankyou so much for playing and the feedback is appreciated ! Im hoping to improve as much as possible :)

This feedback has made my day thankyou!  I was worried game feel was a bit choppy as i didn't have much time to play test and get things balanced out before submission. Looking forward to trying out your game this evening !

Absolutely love the presentation/art style. Reminds me a lot of war of the worlds.  Cant wait to see where this project goes.

I love your creature designs ! Controls feel a little slippery at times but it adds to the difficulty. Well done !

Honestly super fun! really interesting concept and aesthetically really cool. Beat with 2:19 but will likely try again another time.  the sights are slightly too large and it can be hard to use the sniper at long range as the target is hidden behind the dot.  All together though a really fun experience, would love to see you add more to it !

Hit 99  just before it slipped ! Really well made for such a short design and development time. Well done!

I love the art ! all of the sprites are really well made. Was a fun game !

The art is super unique and stood out quite well, the use of the limitation was quite a fun idea too! well done!

Great Graphics, Unsure what the controls where as i couldn't interact with anyone and wasn't totally sure where the goal was. but it would be great to see this continued !

This is incredible! One of the earlier levels stumped me quite hard and initially thought there was a bug but i just wasn't thinking outside of the box ! Amazing puzzle design and really great sprite work. I need more levels !!

Fun little puzzle game, reminded me a lot of original flash games. the sprite work is nice ! i really like the aesthetic and the way you introduced the tutorial was great. there's a few collision issues around one or two levels but honestly i cant see much wrong with this! great concept and would love to see it expanded with more puzzles !

The art is great ! Definitely reminds me of old sierra games !  Music was SUPER loud though and caught me off guard at first. Id love to see more of this however, you should really continue it !

Awesome Concept ! , The enemies do take a lot of hits to kill, and it would be nice to see the levels a little more filled out but honestly it was a fun game ! love the animations too ! sprite work was excellent.

Great Art style, Animations are awesome too, enemies do take a lot of hits to kill though. would be interesting to see this more fleshed out. great concept !