Well, chances are if you didn't give up you probably figured it out by now but for those that are surfing the web for answers, here's one: There are two trolls in the game only. One has a really messed up sad story line that you face along side Nora eventually by doing the bandits questline (North West Map). The other, is in a pygmy cave to the East side of the world map. You will find it in the North East most corner of the cave, in a separate room along side 3 other enemies. The fight is tough. As for where to donate the troll heads:
- One can go the the Noble Woman for 500 silver OR a CG pic after saying her beauty is reward enough and then returning to her later. (Standing nude CG)
- The other can be donated to the frog shrine just southwest of the witch hut where you start after the prologue. From the witch hut go south through the loading screen then left until you can go up. It will be in a small grove in the woods.