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I have the same problem as Violette. Censored my email, so it should be fine to post here.

I guess it should be fine since the full game will be Steam-exclusive (which I prefer anyway), but I'm the type to worry endlessly about every little thing, sorry just wanna make sure I cover all my bases.

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Steam only for the full release?
And I was so happy to buy a DRM free VN...

Btw,my pre-order is always showing a "Standard Edition".

Team fall apart and I'm afraid our problem will  never be solved...

I wish all the best to the Dev but I lost hope...this game is cursed XD

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I tried checking through all the official marketing and updates to provide evidence it was changed to Steam-exclusive but couldn't find any, though I swore I had read something officially saying that... I'm not the type of person to say something like that without solid confirmation, maybe I got mixed up with another game...? Sorry, this is very unlike me. This site says we have access to the files from here (or, y'know, at least the Standard Edition... hopefully that'll get sorted or we'll be able to add the mysterious extra $2 to the original price of the Special Edition we already paid for), so I must be wrong.

This game is definitely in development hell but I still have complete faith in Team Precatio. It'll take a long time but I'm willing to wait. As long as we do get it, someday, to at least the same standard of quality as the demo, I'll be happy. In the meantime I can stare at Guillam's mad pecs.

EDIT: Ahhh, I went through all those pages of updates and all I had to do was scroll down a little on this page... h-hahaha, sorry, here it is, in fact they told you directly themselves, I guess we both forgot.

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Ah ah...yes,I forgot to say I was unhappy with the "Steam" only release back in January...

I'm not in a hurry to get the full game,I'm just sad to see an awesome project caught in a turmoil of bad news T_T

Hi Violette,

I replied to Sakura with the same text, but posting here as a direct reply to you.

My deepest, deepest apologies for my late reply. I'm very sorry for the delay in my response to your queries, as itch was supposed to be handled by LaCal (who went MIA) and I've been busy with the development of the game to check this platform.

As of now, we are releasing it on Steam to prevent the unauthorised copying/reuploading of our .exe files. This is a common problem for many PC games, and we are already up to our neck with budget problems due to LaCal's disappearance (she took a large amount of the money). Therefore, one of the safe ways for us to protect our revenue and not make a continued loss is to have players DL and play via Steam, which has their own platform for players, and honestly, makes it easier for players to track progress of their game. 

I can assure you that as the director and writer of the game, I have put 100000% effort into ensuring that the routes and the entire game is better (not just equal to) the quality of the demo that you did. With our new soundtracks and sprites made available only through our KS funding, we have added on alot more content and visuals than we originally planned for. 

A release date has finally been set today as we are seeing the near-end of our development (for Shin and Yuuya, at least) and I have also made a post in the devlog here, so I hope you can continue to put your faith and trust in us, despite the many problems, challenges and unnecessary disappointment that we have put you through.

Please feel free to email me at jyuuguchi at gmail dot com if you would like to speak further, incase I miss your replies here on again. 

Once again, I'm very sorry for my late replies and all the problems with the editions, so do give me some time to troubleshoot those!


Hi Princess Sakura,

My deepest, deepest apologies for my late reply. I'm very sorry for the delay in my response to your queries, as itch was supposed to be handled by LaCal (who went MIA) and I've been busy with the development of the game to check this platform.

As of now, we are releasing it on Steam to prevent the unauthorised copying/reuploading of our .exe files. This is a common problem for many PC games, and we are already up to our neck with budget problems due to LaCal's disappearance (she took a large amount of the money). Therefore, one of the safe ways for us to protect our revenue and not make a continued loss is to have players DL and play via Steam, which has their own platform for players, and honestly, makes it easier for players to track progress of their game. 

I can assure you that as the director and writer of the game, I have put 100000% effort into ensuring that the routes and the entire game is better (not just equal to) the quality of the demo that you did. With our new soundtracks and sprites made available only through our KS funding, we have added on alot more content and visuals than we originally planned for. 

A release date has finally been set today as we are seeing the near-end of our development (for Shin and Yuuya, at least) and I have also made a post in the devlog here, so I hope you can continue to put your faith and trust in us, despite the many problems, challenges and unnecessary disappointment that we have put you through.

Please feel free to email me at jyuuguchi at gmail dot com if you would like to speak further, incase I miss your replies here on again. 

Once again, I'm very sorry for my late replies and all the problems with the editions, so do give me some time to troubleshoot those!


Hey Violette,

I just edited the page. Could you try to DL the placeholder again and let me know if it works for you?

Hey Princess Sakura,

I just edited the page. Could you try to DL the placeholder again and let me know if it works for you?


The deluxe preorder displays now, thank you. I knew I was right to not give up on you guys, even though you're enduring an especially gruelling development hell. Hopefully everything will work out with getting a new writer for Guillam. If it doesn't I'll settle for his CGs with zero context. Yes, I am that thirsty for him. :P I actually prefer Yuuya's personality though so I'm sure I'll love the game whether I get to faceplant Guillam's mad pecs or not.

Hi Princess Sakura,

Thank you so much for your continued support! I understand that it's been close to two years since we opened up itch preorders and things just keep going wrong especially with Guillam's route, so I'm really happy to know that you're there to root for us T_T

Sorry for letting you down multiple times, but I really hope that our final product will make up for your wait somehow! 
