The game is interesting it is unique it seems like you will have plenty of mechanics. OR it seems like you used an RPG MAKER format but didn't remove the stuff you wouldn't be using? Will I really lvl up? are there actual battles? Will I get skills? Right now I see navigation and encounter/sex scenes. But I have only come across one combat encounter. Irena I think her name was? Now HOPEFULLY I am just really early in the game but and again I like a lot about the game.
The navigation is atrocious. I am told to "help the other townspeople" yet the only one I can find navigating around the entire map repeatedly is the farmer. Ok I helped her. Why is there dialogue about meeting and helping all of the townspeople if there is just the one? The amount of time it takes to "find" the next girl to talk to is articifical gametime. I have played for about an hour or so but half of that has been looking for the ones I am supposed to talk to next.
I see a lot of potential here but it seems heavily misleading to even call these episodes if they are fragments of a game yet to be completed. It seems more like the "episodes" are the individual interactions with the specific women. I really hope I am wrong and if so I will apologize when I see otherwise but that is what it looks like right now.