Yo honestly, this game is fun. Whenever I clock into work I just play this all day but this shit is so poorly balanced it ridiculous. Between the constant wars of attrition between the fucking moth who can self heal up to max HP several times throughout the fight, with no way to combat that other than praying he decides to attack or you roll high enough, the shitty beetle who not only shields himself but his team multiple times with the same issue, to the final boss being all around unbeatable without the correct RNG, it is a mess. I get it, its a game and not a big deal but frankly this is just busted. I had the luck to get 5 gold level healing items (One of which is the one that isn't a crystal and can be reused), 5 Heavy gold attack options, 3 gold heavy pink dice and I still fucking lost because the boss maximum DPS is too fucking high, health too fucking high, and the motherfucker is constantly healing or shielding, or attacking for fucking 12 of my HP per turn. I had 29 health and still lost because the devs decided the final boss should be able to shield himself and heal himself without restriction. I want to like this game a lot more than I do, clearly a lot care was taken in terms of the design, mechanics, art and programming but its busted. I do not mind that it is hard, I enjoy a difficult game but the RNG is too high to get a decent run. I have had runs end on floor fucking 4 because I get shit items, each round I am given no option to upgrade health or dice, each new dice I could pick was all shit, and a goddamn moth kept out healing my max DPS of fucking 8 and when I start with a shitty healing dice that has the potential of only giving my back 1 HP of course I am nothing but fucked. "It's a roguelite" I get that but its like when you play the binding of Issac and each item at the start is absolute dog water and you die 1 million times but at least in that game there is an element of control, I can get better at the game and overcome through dodging or learning what item is better than another, there is no adaption with this game, just fucking luck. I have been playing this game since December (so clearly on some level I like getting my shit kicked in) and have yet to beat the game one goddamn time because each enemy is poorly designed from a gameplay perspective. In conclusion, I hope when this game gets patched again we can get the correct balance between challenge and fairness because I like this game, it's cool or whatever, but if I lose one more goddamn time to a fucking to a fly getting carried by a moth and I have nothing but shitty RNG the entire time I am going to lose my mind.
I will try again later I guess.
Addendum: I won the next day after making this comment.