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A member registered Mar 07, 2016

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Game doesn't seem to work in Firefox (114.0.1, Win 10).

The game loads to the title screen with the level numbers at the bottom, but they're all grey. Tried in Chrome and it works as intended.

Finally figured out how to start the game but then realised there was something wrong with my shot's power (seems way too weak, looks nothing like the demo gifs).

So I tried opening the game in Chrome (I usually use Firefox) to see if the physics were different but now the overworld controls (cursor keys) don't even work.

I tried it again and there's definitely no collision when playing in Firefox (version 103.0.2).

It works fine in Chrome and MS Edge though so maybe it's browser specific.

There's no collision for the walls? Makes it kinda pointless.

BUG? - I noticed that after I close the tab I'm playing the game in, my entire browser becomes unresponsive for about 20 seconds.

Windows 10, Firefox 102.0.1

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Experienced a visual bug.

Got a Treasure Dummy after a boss fight but one of my dudes was dead so I restarted the mission. Then for the next fight I was fighting two enemies but the Dummy's card stayed in the middle until the fight was over (I didn't have to fight the dummy, it was inactive so it's escape timer was static)

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Ah, that might be it!

I use Firefox and this morning (I think) when I opened it there was a popup announcing their new cross-site cookie tracking blocker and asked if I wanted to turn it on. I did.

Edit: Just changed my cookie blocking rules and everything's back to normal.

Uuuuhh... my game has been wiped.

Around level 70 you start to occasionally get items with sockets in them. When a character wears that item it unlocks 1 socket for them.

Same. I just got the game over screen with one guess remaining.

Fantastic little game! Reminded me a lot of Prince of Persia, Flashback and Another World.

I believe that's a silver mirror dice. It has a 66% chance that it will be blank (33% it will be a mirror). Need to upgrade to gold for it to be 100% mirror. It's always been like that.


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I don't get "The Final Challenge".

I've placed two boxes underneath the exit but I still die when I jump in.

Great little game btw

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17 minutes 17 seconds!

And I saw a glimpse of a witch (?) before the end screen. I wonder if you have to beat the game faster than 15 minutes to fight it?

Love this game! haha

Aaaah! I had no idea (obviously).

Maybe it'd be a good idea to make that more obvious in-game. Also, I just noticed the discard pile... what does that do exactly? I can't quite work it out.

Personally, I like to cut my deck down to as few dice as possible and upgrade them to gold (1 heal, 2 attack, 2 block and 1 boost or mirror). This way the dice you are given are consistent (in fact, you get the same 5 dice every turn after you use the heal).

My fastest win yet! 22:10. I ended with:

  • 1 x silver heal
  • 2 x gold attack
  • 2 x gold block
  • 1 x gold hollow mirror (the only dice I added)

Also, it would be nice if the win screen showed the deck you finished with.

One suggestion I have is to be able to view your deck between rounds.

It's kind of annoying to get remove/upgrade dice but you can't remember your precise deck... like, do I have any dice I want to remove?

I was totally expecting there to be red laser blocks in later levels that would kill/block you.

R doesn't seem to do anything

Please, please PLEASE add a setting to hide the room ID.

On level 13, after almost finishing I jumped my blue dude up to the top left and he just disappeared!

All that dialogue when you die is annoying af

Great little game that's slightly let down by the frustration of unresponsive/unforgiving jumping mechanics (there seems to be a short delay between pressing jump and you actually jumping which can result in you unintentionally walking off an edge). 

I attacked an island that had a castle with my siege flotilla and we both wiped each other out on the initial attack. This made the attack screen bug out and stayed there meaning I couldn't click anything... I could "end turn" by pressing return but I still couldn't do anything else.