"Ah-..right. That you may not know but may I ask you to do something for me kid."
He said as he started pulling out something it was small so she didn't think it was a gun.
"Oh-yeah, I-don't really think I'd have the confidence to do something like that..."
-I've PLAYED women like that-the only men who go for that shit are horny toads. Glad to know you're not one of 'em...-
She switches over to her left hand. It definitely looks like she's having trouble even holding the pen properly with that hand
"Mm-yeah, I guess it is...I mean-I wouldn't really be into something like that but...I get that there are other people who would be-I don't really wanna judge, y'know?"
She signs with her left hand, pen wobbly-it's really not very legible, shaky-it looks pretty convincingly like she can't write with it, but Dawn's smart-and perceptive, meaning he can probably tell...she's faking it.