I absolutely love the concept and aesthetic of this game. It's a Portal demake... but it's also a Portal demake in-universe. The level design, or what I saw of it, was superb, with lots of interesting little details. What did you use to build the environments?
The portals didn't seem to work like I'd expect, or really work at all. I figured out I could move them, but I was only able to actually traverse them once and I'm not sure how I did it. Then I knocked one over and couldn't get it back up again.
With the motion blur and fancy HDRP lighting it looked almost like an Unreal Engine game. Unfortunately, it also ran like an Unreal Engine game on my laptop. It's not the strongest laptop, but it's not the weakest, either, and I was down to single-digit FPS.
Unfortunately between the janky portals (and possibly softlocking myself) and my laptop threatening to take off from the table I didn't get very far. If I have time, though, I'll revisit this on my gaming PC, because it's one of the more interesting entries I've seen thus far.