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CE Studio

A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Installed on Linux (Pop!_OS specifically, if that helps) and I can boot it up to the splash screen, but when I "press any key!" like it says, nothing happens. It just... doesn't see my keyboard, or something. Idk. Will try again on Windows tomorrow

-- Epsilon

We had planned to add short button-prompt instructions for each minigame, but didn't get around to it unfortunately. The "do nothing" minigame is actually a "click when the bar is as far to the right as you can get it" minigame. Sorry you had troubles with some of them lol

- Epsilon

Glad you enjoyed!
The door does not function on a per-minigame basis, but rather works on a cooldown after it opens. Remember that you can close your laptop too when you hear someone walk by, and you won't get caught while your laptop is waking up.

- Epsilon

Is that a good or a bad thing
- Epsilon

The game doesn't actually end, unfortunately. We planned for there to be a timer that issued a game-over after it ended and counted up your completed levels, but we didn't have time for it.

- Epsilon

The levels repeating is actually intended. The first five levels are hardcoded as a tutorial of sorts, and then it starts giving you random ones. The original idea for the game was a random gauntlet against the clock (hence why it never ends) but we ran out of time before adding the timer. Sorry.
And yeah, I would have hoped that the board could have been a bit faster and tighter but apparently Godot's physics are wack.
- Epsilon

always good to see more dragons

Very fun, wish it was longer/infinite

Fell through level three

Pretty fun, but it's hard to get a hand of how movement affects the die's number.

Also, +1 for dragons :3

Hard but fun

Very polished

Birbs. Adorable. 11/10.

Fun, but the music was far too loud.

You, uhhh...
You should think about changing the player's name. It's really close to being a bad word.

Pretty fun. The music probably shouldn't restart every time a level loads, though.

Pretty fun, but it's nearly impossible to lose.

Pretty fun, but I got the die stuck in the wall

This was the greatest, most amazing, most perfect game I have ever played. No other experience is even remotely comparable. 11/10.

In need of some optimization; game started to lag before the box was even filled halfway

You need to upload a .zip file of everything in the build folder

(2 edits)

This was quite fun!

The character felt nice to control, the magnet felt nice to throw (although the half-second between holding E and having the character actually prep themself to throw took some getting used to), and the puzzles were well-designed. I have to say, though, being unable to move while aiming feels a bit off. I had more than one instance where I ended up in the wrong place and couldn't aim properly, and lack of movement made it so I had to throw the magnet at the floor and hope it didn't fall off an edge.

I don't know if this was your doing or if something broke, but I had zero sound during my entire playthrough. I checked my volume mixer and everything and still, total silence. (Using the Windows build, if that helps debug).

When the game started up, the window ended up so large that the bottom and right sides were cut off. I recognize this as something that might get fixed, though, if you add resolution settings to the system preferences menu, and playing in fullscreen had no issues.

The very last puzzle is funny. It took some thinking, trying several things, and gave me that "a-ha!" moment you wanted to achieve, for sure. It's just that I'm not even sure if my solution is the right one. I threw the magnet from the top level under the big minus block while it was being pulled up and next to the button that drops the weight, such that the magnet held up the block just above the button and stopped the button from being pressed. That's a clever solution, it's just that between the tiny gap I had to get the magnet in and the chance that the magnet could just end up on the button, forcing a restart, makes me think I found an alternate solution. Just felt that was worth pointing out.

I also think it might be a good idea to introduce the semisolid platforms before the first hub puzzle. I kinda got myself stuck trying to jump up to chase the magnet after it landed on not a slope, and was confused for a second.

Minus the potential sound issues, I luckily didn't run into any glitches. Then again, I wasn't trying anything super out-there, so I wasn't properly glitch-hunting. Still, though, intended player experience was super clean!

Overall, fun time! Can't wait to see where else this goes.

-- Epsilon

(Edit: forgot my "lack of movement while aiming" point)

(2 edits)

See image. There's too much space between lines (the box drawing characters are supposed to be touching) and I can't figure out how to fix it.

The portals weren't supposed to work - You use them as movable platforms

As for the performance, that's getting ironed out and should hopefully be fixed soon ^w^

Sorry to hear. Blame Clarence; I had no part in that lmao
-- Epsilon

(1 edit)

Some performance aspects were definitely handwaved in favor of meeting the deadline. 😅
As it stands frustum culling is completely unimplemented ad there's three render textures always running... But that will definitely be fixed in upcoming releases down the line.


I need to know what the background music is

As fun as this concept is, I couldn't get the rocket boots to work. They'd trigger for a single frame and then cut off, leaving me stuck at the bottom of the wall. I loved petting the cat though

What a fun little puzzle game! I really enjoy things like this. Can't see where the "so bad it's good" comes in, though

By spamming lasers and the missile before releasing the ball you can destroy all the blocks in record time

Is there a windows version, or just mac?

Playing this game was a truly excruciating experience. 11/10.

I like this! Interesting idea, and good execution. Getting the hang of pointing any beam but the forward one is a bit tricky, but I liked this!

I loved the concept! Shame there are only about three levels. I was able to memorize easy paths for all of them. It's well-put together, though!

Definitely a fun experience! Extremely hard to manage when the people who've had their needs filled are blocking everyone else, but that's the point, isn't it? Sound design is well-done, and I enjoy the idea. I kinda wish the people would wander away from the stations when they've had their needs filled though to make it more fair.

Yikes, didn't expect a game like this to be so difficult! I could probably get it down with practice, but for now I'm gonna save my sanity ^^ Good stuff!

The idea is decent, but everything just stopped happening after the first three cubes. There was no blue stick like the "How To Play" screen said there would be, and I couldn't figure out how to complete it any other way. Presentation itself could definitely do with some work. I know this is your first project, so I can't be too hard on you, but there is definitely some work to be done.

Interesting idea! I I really like the concept, and it's executed fairly well. I'd enjoy a bit more variety in card selection, enemies, and possibly some stage hazards (unless there are hazards past level 7), but what we have is a fun little experience!