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Very interesting concept ! Well executed too as the animations, music and gameplay is pretty solid. I like the idea of having multiple actions for the cheaters.

(Really enjoyed the acceleration in the music to build the tension).

Now I feel like there are some improvements that could be made.

It could be nice to have a slower first level to be able to familiarize with the UI. There are many things to read and understand, and I didn't really know what to do when the first day finished. (I still don't really get what is the crimometer :/)

It could have benn nice to be able to click on the suspect portrait and grey them when we think that they are not the cheaters. In the end there are a lot of characters to focus on, and I wasn't sure which one I already followed.

Being able to fast forward the day when all the cheaters got caught would be a nice feature.

Personal opinion for that (so maybe not a good idea ^^), but at first, I thought red machines were low% winning rate, and vive versa for green machines. Maybe it is because I visualize myself more as a client, but for me, it is more natural to see green machines as easy to win money with.

Finally, I don't know if it was only for my playthrough, but I was never able to have positive machine income, even though I got all cheaters. Is it normal, or am I just a very bad owner ? :p

(2 edits)

Hey I appreciate the feedback very much as spent a lot of time experimenting with the theme alone!

We actually cut the song length in the tutorial level just because we played it so many times! Thanks for the specific feedback here. Other players mentioned a feature request of a “speed up to day end” function so we have been playing around with that concept to hopefully strike a better balance for those especially not playing for the first time.

The crimometer and the macro level difficulty seems to be something the players are having a hard time to grasp. The games difficulty is tweaked to be initially difficult to try to force you into intentionally making let’s say “less than perfect decisions” to protect your income. I think ultimately we ran out of time to finish some of the player intervention and really flesh out the decision making in between days to properly balance this and make it more clear - For now we’re keeping it closer to the puzzle game protoype we have pivoted into but I’m sure needs some more tweaks to make it work better for this version of the game - but we are currently looking to adjust the difficulty and score screen to be more reflective of current player performance!

In regard to the machine colours, the displays actually came out of one of our test level examples, we wanted to experiment with different levels of difficulty through visibility (and even our original prototype had no display at initial conception). TL:DR I also think it does seem to make more sense in that way (green for win) in retrospect so we may flip these!

 (Apologies for the particular delay in my response but we appreciate how much feedback you have given and so I wanted to address your comments in full !)