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A member registered Apr 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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The game is beautiful and the music is on point. Being able to jump on the environnement is actually a great addition, it could have been made more clear that we can do it. I discovered it by accident on my last night. Excellent game still ! :)

Great level design and the narration is actually immersive ! I would have loved to hear some light sound design added to those levels. Very good job !

Cute and fun game ! The level design is well thought and the music helps to stay chill while failing to solve the levels x) Good job

Introduction and music make it really immersive. Creating a horror game is always challenging, good job mate !

A simple idea but very well executed ! I really love the animations between levels. Great work ! 

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for playing!

Yep, you are not the first one that thinks that the game is lacking tutorials. I will definitely implement some type of info feedback in future updates. Maybe a text bubble from the robot could be neat and not too invasive?

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot for playing the game!

Yeah, I just had the remark about the red and orange below ^^ I didn't see it with my monitor at the time...

Thanks to you, I changed the color to more different ones! I am also implementing a colorblind setting that let you choose your own custom set of colors!

Also, very nice idea regarding the tube design, you are absolutely right! I will definitely take that into consideration for future updates!

Thanks for the valuable feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Ah crap, you are absolutely right, I developed the game with a blue light absorber screen, so red and orange were very different during development. Just tried on another device, and I couldn't tell the difference...

Thank you very much for the info! I just changed the color for a more significant difference! I'm also working on a colorblind friednly setting, where you can put your own custom colors!

Appreciate the feedback

Hey thanks for playing!

For the theme, the take was that the robot change color depending oon your last action in the previous level. As the first action when starting a level is to change color accordingly to the robot color, each playthrough will be different depending on your actions.  In that case, the end of a level really means a new beginning for the rest of the game.

I know that the core gameplay is not novel, but I had a hard time thinking an algorithm that would keep tha game playable whatever the player's actions.

Would you mind going in more depth regarding why you think the game doesn't fit the theme?

Regardless, the game really needs a tutorial, you are 100% right


Very pleasant game!

It was really nice to explore through the ship. The puzzles are fun, and use well the reincarnation mechanics! Really liked the fact that your body stays there when you come back, it really adds something to the overall ambience. 

However, at the end, it was quite a hassle to have to come back from the beginning. Maybe adding a mechanic where you can add a double of yourself, and come back to life with the double could add something interesting!
Also, it is too bad you didn't add sound design, it could really give a big step up to the explosions!

I loved the controls of the character! You really nailed the combination of double jump / dash. It feels fast, and in control. You certainly could reuse the moveset for other projects.

The UI design is a nice touch, really retro style, loved it!

I didn't understand what to do at first, I only thought I had to move through the level. I feel that the moveset of the character fits better a speedrun kind of game, than a kill them all gameplay.

Good job!

So nice! It really has a Parkour vibe (really liked that game).
The overall design is really great, and the animations of the robot are top-notch!  The level design is clever, and I like the fact that you have multiple mechanics available (like the wind in level 2).

The game is a little bit difficult (which is not a problem), but I find the death a little bit punitive. Depending on where you want to go with the overall type of game, I think adding checkpoints could be a great idea.

Good job!

Thanks a lot for playing!

Yeah, I tried to highlight the robot to force the player into clicking it, but it is not enough to understand what to do next. I wanted to try a "tutorial free" game, but I still have work to do ^^

Thanks for the feedback :)

(1 edit)


You are not the first one to tell me that the controls were a little... "obscure".  Really need to work on that next time! I think that having an "only mouse" game is not so common in jam.

I was not sure that the twist would work at first, so I'm happy that you find it interesting! :)

Thanks for playing it :)

Yep, I corrected the bug for the last level, but it will be for after the jam ^^

Whoa, thanks a lot for this extensive reply!

It will be really helpful as I am planning to continue, and maybe release the game :D

From what you tell me, I have to be extra careful about screen resolution. As the robot can be missing sometimes. I also need to find a better solution to highlight the robot, and the vials.

Thanks again for the super nice tips!

I was able to escape!!!

Enjoyed the overall apocalyptical ambience you went with here and really liked the design of the astronaut. The mechanics are good, and the game went on very smoothly! I died a few times before reaching the spaceship.

As an improvement, I would have liked a little bit more feedback when hitting enemies. Adding a little glow, or movement would be a nice addition. Also, for a DLC (let me dream), I would really see a bigger map with objectives and a minimap that is completed through progression!

Great entry!

Very unique take on the theme.

The gameplay idea of mixing rhythm games and shoot them up is very clever, and I would love to see this idea expanded further! Adding special types of enemies to kill with specific patterns of music could be fun! The drawing are also really great, and the story is a nice addition to fit the theme.

For the improvement, I would add a tutorial, as I didn't know at first that the ghosts could kill me. 

And I have one question: why a piano piece for a guitarist? :o

Beautiful game!

The art is very impressive. Also, there are a lot of very nice additions that really create a nice vibe to the overall ambience. Really liked the flying mana orbs that go to the character. I can tell that you spent a lot of time on these.
I also liked the diversity of spells, but I feel that the way I have to drag to use them is a little bit awkward. I would have preferred, for example, an assignable key for each slot.

You really nailed the ambience, and this could very well fit a full game!

Nice job

A cute little game.

The design of the robot very nice. Also, the overall aspect of the game is quite charming, with the use of a nice grey/blue color palette.

The control of the character could be improved, as it seems a little slidy  right now. Also, I would recommend using the space bar for jump, instead of up arrow or W.

Good game!

Really happy to have seen this game. Very nice of you to give us this window to look at and help us understand the problems and difficulties some people can face in these situations.
Gameplay-wise, I am quite impressed that you were able to squeeze 3 mini-games + graphics in such a short delay. The last one (dark breathing) was spot on atmosphere-wise.

Really happy to have seen this game. Very nice of you to give us this window to look at and help us understand the problems and difficulties some people can face in these situations.
Gameplay-wise, I am quite impressed that you were able to squeeze 3 mini-games + graphics in such a short delay. The last one (dark breathing) was spot on atmosphere-wise.

Good job man!

This is not perfect, but if you keep motivated like this, you'll be able to make amazing games in no time.
Very clever of you for using Scratch :)


The puzzles are very clever, and the difficulty ha a nice curve. I really enjoy the fact that new mechanics are discovered, and used through each levels.  The rotating ball is a nice touch for player feedback. The shadow of Fluffn't near the tombstone is a nice idea. And the change of filter color is clever too. Overall, everything works well together, with great ideas along the way, and the game is a pleasure to go through!

I would say that a nice improvement would be to work a little bit on the sound design. Adding a sound when the tombstone is teleported could be fun for example!

Solid entry there!

Thanks for playing!

Yep, I figured that the indications in the game were too limited to understand the controls.

If it is not too much, could you tell me where you had most trouble: knowing that you have to use the mouse / understanding that you have to click the robot at the beginning / what to do with the tubes.


(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Yep agree, some explanations in the game would be highly beneficial. Especially the part when you have to use the robot. I tried to highlight him by making it bigger, but that is not enough.


Amazing game!

I am fond of the art style of the cat. The drawing style works perfectly. The overall design works perfectly, and the dialogues are a very nice touch. Also, the upgrades are well-thought, and they all add something to the gameplay. This is a big achievement for the small amount of time you had for the game.

There is not much to say about what you could do to improve the game (aside for classic, more enemies/levels), but I would say that the enemy feedback could be a little bit more punchy. Adding a more sound design when touched, scaling, or ticking the enemy could do the trick. For now, I feel a little weak when attacking enemies.

Good job!

(2 edits)

I am an aspiring indie developer, and I am currently working on my first game. However, I want to test around the store/monetising system before releasing it.
This jam was the perfect opportunity for me get this started, and force myself with a solid deadline. Even though the concept is not novel, I am quite happy with the progress I was able to made considering that I didn't have much time last week to work on it, and now I am fired up to continue!!!

So, now the goal is to polish and add content to the game for futur release!

Here are the things I am working on for this entry:

  1. Adding settings screen
  2. Adding a colorblind setting
  3. Add some animations for the robot (moving eyes, idle animations...)
  4. Rework the colors, as some are too similar (red and orange... bad choice)
  5. Rethink the robot color switching mechanics to make it more interesting (maybe being able to use it two or three times in a level)
  6. Add levels
  7. Put game on stores!

Here is the game for those interested :)

Very interesting take on the theme!

The design is great, and some of the ghosts' description are hilarious! I enjoyed the fact that there is a deep story behind it, with alternatives depending on your playthrough. It is very impressive considering the small amount of time to developp the game!

As you stated on the description, I had trouble reading some descriptions because of the spam, i worked around by taking a screenshot and read from there :)

Really innovative take on the theme!

I really enjoyed the puzzles you created there. A lot of attention was taken to the aesthetic of the game: everything feels nice! I feel that I am in complete control of my character (aka, the death is on me), the heavyness feeling of the box when switching gravity, coupling with sound design is satisfying, arts is unique, with very nice lights and the puzzles are challenging!

How could I ask for more?

Amazing entry!

Really innovative take on the theme!

I really enjoyed the puzzles you created there. A lot of attention was taken to the aesthetic of the game: everything feels nice! I feel that I am in complete control of my character (aka, the death is on me), the heavyness feeling of the box when switching gravity, coupling with sound design is satisfying, arts is unique, with very nice lights and the puzzles are challenging!

How could I ask for more?

Amazing entry!

The overall design of the game is pretty great.
I like the concept of balancing attack/defence and wait for enemy attacks. An improvement would be to add some moveset (like counterattacks, with a shorter time window).

I saw some of your screenshots on social media, and I was really wondering what the heck you were doing, and I must say that I LOVED IT!
The controls feel nice, the art is unique,  the vfx are on point, and the explosions feel soooo satisfying!

Overall, fantastic game!

To improve it a little bit, I would maybe just add a counter of the remaining animals before going to the next stage.

Nice take on the theme with a clicker game!

I am not so much into clickers either, but it's true that I wanted to see more and more of the enemies you created! The diversity really is a big plus considering the short amount of time you had for this!

I just think that the upgrade ticking sound is a little bit to loud or piercing (even more with headphones). Maybe having a lower pitch would do the trick!

Okay, first I need to know: DID YOU VOICED THE SHEEPS??? If that's the case, nice.

Really enjoyed your cinematic introduction here. Now we know what Gandalf was doing all this time ^^

The game was on point and satisfying, with more and more challenges to tackle each level. Really liked the idea of kill/attract magic.
I would have liked the attraction to be a little stronger though (sometimes, the sheep is blocked on the right of the screen, and I would have liked to be able to pull it in a single blow).

Well that was... very fun! I could imagine the team brainstorming about this ^^

The overall design is really great and interesting. The take on the theme is really unique, and the realisation is on point!

I think it might be my favorite one so far because of the uncanniness of it!

I lost a leg once though, will it be a problem? :p

Cool and cute little platofmer. I really had a hard time sometimes to jump from a ladder to a small tile of land ^^

The controls and the jump feels nice, so the most important part of a platformer is checked ;)

It could have been nice to add some lands on the bottom from time to time instead of always dying, so you have to climp up again, and add some gameplay to the game.

Cool and cute little platofmer. I really had a hard time sometimes to jump from a ladder to a small tile of land ^^

The controls and the jump feels nice, so the most important part of a platformer is checked ;)

It could have been nice to add some lands on the bottom from time to time instead of always dying, so you have to climp up again, and add some gameplay to the game.

Very interesting idea. I like the fact that the jumped platforms are highlighted in red. Also the music fits well the game!

I would maybe like to see improved jumps physics. It seems kinda floaty right now. Maybe increasing the push force at the start would do the trick :)

Good job!

Thanks for playing it!