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I saw previews of this before the jam was over and was really taken aback by how much you were able to get done within the time constraints - I didn't expect multiple levels' worth of assets!

Not sure if my game bugged or if you just didn't get to finish in time but I had a few loops of the level before I realised I wasn't getting damaged/didn't have to shoot anything and there wasn't a fail state. So I guess something like that and a scoring system would be nice to see, but otherwise I'm impressed with the amount of polish all over the place in little details, menu systems, text etc. Nice work

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the game is not bugged- haha. I managed to create a ton of art assets (lots with full animations) pretty early in the jam, but well over half of the jam days were spent working at my full time job. It was definitely my lack of time management: I should have focused on a few enemies and mechanics rather than the whole plethora. In spite of the very unfinished product, I am glad you enjoyed the bare boned experience I had to offer. Thank you for the kind words! I will absolutely be continuing development on this project in the future.