Blowjob, titjob, assjob/lapdance, on the normal route.
In the dead ends there's tentacle, cowgirl, more blowjob, monster sex.
NTR has barely any content right now, so no. As for why there's no tag, itchio doesn't have a tag for it. Doesn't have a tag for futa or gender bender either now that I think about it. I suppose I could add the transgender tag, though that's not strictly accurate.
As for what kind of game it is, I dunno. Horror/Action/Mystery/Sex would be how I'd describe it. Gender Bender/Normal sex is split about 50/50 and will likely stay that way. Though in all honesty the game is more focused on the horror/action/mystery aspect than it is on the sex right now, though it will gear a little more towards sex next update. You can give it a try if you like, or don't if you don't like the sound of it. If you're looking for a quick fap maybe come back next update, if you're looking for romance come back in maybe two or three updates, or if none of this sounds appealing just don't come back I guess, but it's always here if you change your mind.