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@Dark Dimension is right does have a review system, where users can give up to 5 stars and include a comment with their review. Is that what you meant or are you talking about a different kind of review system?



yes, but those review aren't really public, aren't they? They're only visible to the developer or if you follow the reviewer. The only way to have public written reviews (also visible to the outside public) is to write a comment. Which is a separate action from the review prompt. That seems inefficient. Couldn't the rating system+the comment section be grouped together? Couldn't the system prompt me to rate & comment when I try a game? Isn't it better marketing for the game if its page is full of comments? A game might have been reviewed 20 times but if its page has no comment I'm strongly inclined to think no one cares about it. Don't creators always say every little comment helps, even if it just say "good"?

And for those people worried they might get intentionally hateful reviews if they're public, the comment section could always be disabled.

Is the current review system really benefiting creators and customers? Since it's not public, what happens if you follow people that never review games?

(some personal glossary just so we're clear

rating: a purely numerical point system, in our case represented by stars

review:  text whose purpose is informing a potential customer of the value of an item. By this definition, one-word reviews also count)

(1 edit)

yes, but you can review the game to the public by suggesting the current game in the's community


Sure, but would that appear on the game page? No. Think like a customer. When you buy something from amazon what's the first thing you check: the reviews at the bottom of the page obviously. Would you buy an amazon product with no comments?

If I happen on a game page, as a customer, i'm not gonna look in the forums to see if that game is any good. I'm going to look for comments on that very page. And if someone has written a review through the prompt, but I'm not following them, I won't even know there's a review! Bottom line is: while we have a review system, I don't think it does a lot to make people buy games, and therefore it doesn't really help creators. It could be improved on

no I would try it for myself and you can try linking it to the page


There's legit games that are 30$, would you spend that much on a game that could disappoint you?? Do you really think the review system is perfect as is? I mean it works, but I wouldn't say it's optimal


ok can you please accept the review system has now?


Dude, this is an ideas & feedback thread... we're here to, you know, discuss improvements. That's the whole point. Accept? I can accept to continue using itch, of course, but I will not accept that there's no need for improvements.

ok say that to a admin of I am inspired by moderators so I want to act like one

and its hard trust me