I love how the patterned plushie names have alternating colors to match their colors.
It seems to get slower in the mid-late game. I'm on the Lovely plushies, waiting to buy the Fairy plushie, and it's a lot of waiting. After investing into the Labor and Plushies tabs, it seems like the only thing to do is wait.
Ooh, Glowing looks really neat. Christmas's red part looks too dark.
Invisible Plushie made me laugh.
I wonder, what's Nimbus Plushie supposed to be about? I don't recall that being a Neopets color.
I love the Custom Plushie option. The CSS input/visual test is very nice.
The prestige mechanic is alright, but it seems to get repetitive since there's no more new content after prestiging (except the one new plushie). Perhaps it would be more interesting if there were more things to do?
Very nice game overall! I liked how you did a lot with few graphics by utilizing CSS.